

Back Squat 

Cash out:
AMRAP in 5 Minutes:
30 Double Unders
15 Air Squats

“You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them.” 
– Maya Angelou


  1. 6am

    Subhan 155,185,205 3+2 Rx
    Mark 155,185,205 5+28 Rx
    Kaitlyn did not keep track 5+5 Rx
    Bryan 225,255,275 5+30 Rx

  2. 9:30
    Sarah 75/75/85 3+16 10 DUA
    Mary 95/105/115 3+3 rx
    Bettie 95/105/110 3 + 10 DU
    Taylor 264/ 308/330 3+38 rx
    Monica 63/85/85 6+2 su
    Gordy 235PR/255/ 275 PR!! 3+1 rx

    Aimee 115/ 135/ 155 5 rx
    Cate 115/135/155 4+18 rx

    Pam 165/180/ 195 4+30 rx
    Megs 115/135/155 5 rx
    Meredith 155/165/180 5+9 su
    Edwin 215/ 235/ 265 PR! 4+16 rx
    Matt 145/165/ 205 4+15 rx
    Jonathan 264/ 301.4/ 308 2 rx
    Rich A 264/301.4 334.4 6+15 rx
    Liam 135/165/175 3 DUA
    Jackie (to 17" box) 155/175/205 4rx
    Geoff 235/245/255 ---meeting
    Erika 65/85/95 5 SU ROM

  3. Masters
    Lisa 60-70-80. 4 su
    Richard 40-50-60. 3+11 su
    Lee 75-95-105. 3+10 rx

  4. 4:30
    Jeff/ 275/345/355 6+ 32 rx
    Smutek 225/295/295 6 rx
    Kev H 225/305/325 5 rx
    Freaky 125/145/165 6 rx
    The Nat 155/175/185 6 + 2 rx
    Karen 135/175/195 4 + 39 singles
    Danielle G 180/185/195 5 + 38 rx

    Rakshit 225/255/ 5+ 25 rx
    Seth 242/ 286/330 5 singles
    Dc 135/155/170 5 + 32 singles
    Jamie 185/205/215 7 + 28 rx
    David 115/ 145/ FS 3 round singles
