

On the 4:00 for 6 Rounds
8 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
16 Deadlifts (155/225#)
400 Meter Run

(record times for all rounds - the score is the slowest round)

Thanksgiving Schedule and Notes:
Wednesday 11/22 - 10 K Row from 6 am - 1pm (open gym) 
Thursday 11/23 - CLOSED Thanksgiving 
Friday 11/24 - NO 6 am NO 5:30 PM classes 
Saturday 11/25 - Normal 7 am and 9 am classes
Sunday 11/26 - Free Friends and Family 9 AM

"Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, vision cleared, ambition inspired and success achieved." —Helen Keller


  1. 6am

    Brian(MT) 3:14 band/115
    Jess 3:49 band/115
    Mark 3:38 165/2 min Air Runner
    Tori 3:27 band 115
    Kristen 3:10 band/100

  2. 9:30
    Larissa 3:02 85#
    Jackie 3:18 6 pull ups (1 c2b) c2 800m
    Monica 2:20 83# 200m

  3. nooner
    Edwin 3:55 bent over row 25#/ 135#
    Dana D "off the rails"
    Shannon 3:42 6 C2B/ 200 M run
    EM G 3:36 12 SL / 125#/ C2 bike 800 M
    Jill H 3:15 6 PU 135/ 300 M
    jonathan 3:40 8 c3b 10 dl 200 m run
    Megs 3:09 6 c2b 115# 800 m c2
    Britt 4:00 85#/ 5 pull up 10 dl c2 bike

  4. masters
    5 or 6 rounds
    5 pullups
    10 deadlifts
    300 M run/ 600 M c2 bike

    Barb C 2:59 75#/ c2 bike RR 6rds
    Gillian 2:32 125/ band / 300 M run / 6rds
    Richard 2:33 55/75 C2 bike RR/ 6 rds
    Kathy 2:40 95.RRC2 bike 95# 5 rds
    Terry 3:08 105 pullups/6 rds
    Mae 2:27 115/RR/C2 bike 6 rds
    Lisa 3:25 95/kips / air bike 5 rds

  5. 5:30
    Julia 3:24, 4 C2B, 12 DL, 300m Run)
    Mike, drop in, 3:43, 10 DL 155#, 300m run for 3 rds)
    Danielle C 3:06, PU, 10 DL 155#, C2
    Kate B 3:10, 12 DL 105#, jumping C2B
    Jamie 2:46 RX
    Danielle G 3:20, 4 C2B, 12 DL
