

AMRAP in 30 Minutes: 
Max calories on a machine of your choice 
Every 3 mins starting at 0 
5 Box jumps (24/30")
10 Burpees 
15 Sit ups

Community Notes: 
We are excited about our approacing 15 year celebration on Saturday 10/14 at CrossFit Generation. CLICK HERE to sign up for a heat time from 9 am - 12 pm.

 “To be tested is good. The challenged life may be the best therapist.” 
– Gail Sheehy

1 comment:

  1. Danielle 118 Ass bike rx
    Alex 167 C2 1/2 rx
    Jamie 164 ass bike rx
    Jeff 115 ass bike rx
    Dana 152 Row 20in
    Erini 168 row 20in
    Lauren 110 Echo 13in
    Kaitlyn 181 row rx
