

AMRAP in 20 Minutes:
15/12 Calories Air Bike
15 Lateral Burpees over the Bar
15 Deadlifts (155/225#)

Community Notes:

GOOD LUCK to Coach Kalyn taking her Level 2 this weekend at CFKOP!!

We are hosting a CF Level 2 Seminar this weekend (10/21/10/22) at the gym, the 9AM Saturday and 9 AM Sunday Cardio Classes will be held at the Lyons Den (555 W. Beidler Rd. King of Prussia).
7 AM Saturday will be held at the box, there will be NO kids class and NO Sunday lifting, both will resume next weekend (10/28/10/29).

 "The way a team plays as a whole determines its success. You may have the greatest bunch of individual stars in the world, but if they don’t play together, the club won’t be worth a dime." – Babe Ruth


  1. Mark 4+15,#185
    Brian 4+15, #135 bench, burpees over line
    Julia 4+17, #125
    Tori 4+27, #135
    Jess 4+15, #135
    Kaitlyn 4+22 rx
    Jordan 4+7, #125
    Kristen 4+12,#125

  2. 9:30
    Erini 4+27 135#
    Larissa 5+9 75#
    Jackie 4+11 athletic burpee
    Santiago 5+19 rx
    Mary 3+24 125# no jump on burpee
    Jill 4+9 135#

  3. Noon
    Baez 3+42 rx
    Jamie 6+10 rx
    Kayln 5+2 rx
    Dave h 4+15 rx
    Edwin 4+25 135#
    Rich 4+33 rx
    Megz 4+16 105# burpees
    Pam 6+5 rx
    Nat 4+20 rx
    Colette 6+13 rx

  4. 4:30

    Bhargav 4+3 #125
    Rocco 4+35 trap bar #185 reg burpee
    Greg 4+25 Rx
    Erika 4+21 #125 Reg burpees
    Jeff 6+2 RX
    Freaky 4+25 RX
    Remer 5+7 Rx
    Danielle 5+24 RX
    Joe 4+7 RX
    Karen 4+35 #135 C2
    mike 4+10 #155
