

For time:
21-15-9 reps of:
Deadlift (185/275#)
Strict Ring Dips

No matter how much falls on us, we keep plowing ahead. That’s the only way to keep the roads clear. 
-Greg Kincaid


  1. Aimee 8:33 143#
    Cate 9:33 rx

    Colette 4:36 push ups

    Phillip 9:20 185 / band - strict for 21
    Mary H 9:57 125/ 15/12/9 banded dips
    Jackie 9:19 15/12/9 banded dips
    Em G 9:32 150 band
    Sarah B 8:30 115 box dip
    Monca 7:19 103# box dip
    Dana D 9:59 155 / Band
    Jill H 9:59 155 / Band

  2. nooner
    Pam 9:22 band
    Shannon 9:18 band 175
    Megs 7:16 135 band
    Geoff 6:28 225 bench
    Ana C 7:49 rx
    Keith 7:46 215 trap bar
    Jonathan 8:30 rx
    Rich A 6:07 rx

  3. Gigi 7:35 75# box dips
    Kathy 6:29 105# 15/12/9 box dips
    Lee 6:37 95# 15/12/9 Box dips
    Barb 8:00 85# 15/12/9 box dips

  4. 6:30
    Max 7:50 (195) 18,12,6
    Steph 5:44 (120) Box Dips
    Missy 6:25 (115) Box Dips
    Alex 6:41 (155) Box Dips

  5. 4:30
    Jeff 5:10 315# rx+
    Remer 5:56 rx
    Alex 6:53 rx
    Matty Boh 8:33 225(9.6.3 dips)
    rocco 6:43 185 sumo
    Trevor 7:08 185 (15.9.6 dips
    Becka 8:41 65 box
    TheNat 8:08 9.6.3 dips
    Freaky G 5:45 banded pulldowns
    Kalyn 10:44 rx

    Jaime 8:39 rx
    Rakshit 7:50 225 12-9-6
    David 8:20 box 145
    Seth 8:23 ring pushup
    Danielle c 7:06 box dip 155
