

For time: 
1600-m run 
11 shoulder presses (85/115 lb) 
11 overhead squats 
11 sumo deadlift high pulls 
11 push presses 
11 front squats 
11 squat cleans 
11 push jerks 
11 back squats 
11 deadlifts 
2000-m row 

Persistence and resilience only come from having been given the chance to work through difficult problems.  -Gever Tulley


  1. 6

    Megs 31:48 65 C2x2
    Larissa 32:04 C2forRun-45/33 Power Cleans
    Missy 29:36 1000mRun 45#
    Jess W 21:02 65
    Tori 28:48 55 35kbSDHP/HPC

  2. 9:30
    Aimee 25:36 65# c2 x2
    Cate 28:27 c2 z2
    Em 21:27 1000m run, 1000m row, 65#
    Leda 27:53 60# 1200m run
    Jackie 27:17 c2x2 75#
    Erini 28:52 55#
    Dana D 25:55 55# (33# ohs) 1000m row/1000 c2

  3. noon
    Dana H 31:00 trueform 1000K
    Keith 29:16 32000 m 02 bike
    Carl 24:00 rx
    Rich A 29:29 real bike 2mile
    Baez 30:38 rx
    Shannon 29:19 rx
    Pam G 30:30 rx
    Britt 31:38 c2 3200 35#
    Matty Boh 30:14 95
    Meredith 28:30 65 3200 c2

  4. Masters
    1/2 Cardio Bike 1600/ Row 1000M
    Gordy 15:47 75#
    Terry 17:50 35#
    Lisa 19:38 35/22#
    Kathy 20:07 pvc/ 35#
    Mae 18:34 35#
    Barb C 20:47 15/33#

  5. 4:30
    Freaky (c2 bike 3200) 29:34 ( lots of legs)
    Rakshit 28:40 65#
    Karen M (c2 bike 3200)
    Edwin 25:33 65# "I saw jesus"
    Remer 27:01 rx
    Lenny 24:02 1000M row 85# "started to see jesus"
    Mike Mit 31:46 65#
    Nat (c2 bike 3200) 26:56 85#
    Jeff 26:59 135# rx +
    Lauren 30:20 55# "I saw jesus"
    Kalyn 29:31 rx "I saw jesus"
    Alex Tu (c2 bike 3200) 25:27 (75)

  6. 5:30
    Seth 27:30 c2x2 105#
    Danielle C 28:48 c2x2 65#
    Danielle G 26:32 rx
    Jamie 27:28 rx
    Rocco 29:23 95#

  7. 6:30
    Faith 22:05 800m run, 25#, 1000m row
