
15 years of Fitness CrossFit WOD

15 Years of Fitness Anniversary Workout on Saturday 10/14 at CrossFit Generation 9AM -12 PM (417 Caredean Dr, Horsham, PA 19044)

Teams of 3
15 min AMRAP: 
P1 200m run 
P2 OH plate hold (25/15) 
P3 Working on AMRAP 

15 Burpee Box Jump Overs 
15 Power Cleans (135/95) 

Each team will rotate as the running partner completes their run. Partners will rotate and continue where the previous partner left off on AMRAP ( Run to Hold, Hold to AMRAP) AMRAP partner may not work unless the plate is being held overhead. 

Scaling and modifications available for all movements. ( 2 man team there is no plate hold )

CLICK HERE to sign up for a heat time! 

Join us at 7:00 PM for the celebration to continue at the Lyons Den 555 W. Beider Rd. King of Prussia. Bring some drinks and some food to share!

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