

For time:
100 Double Unders
50 GHD Sit-ups
100 Ft Handstand Walk
50 GHD Sit-ups
100 Double Unders

Community Notes:
This weekend we will be CLOSED on Saturday 7/22 for the Brawl in the Burbs, wish Jeff, Lenny, Brian, Julia C and Erini good luck when you see them at the gym this week! Regular classes will resume on Sunday 7/23.

“It's a funny thing about life, once you begin to take note of the things you are grateful for, you begin to lose sight of the things that you lack.” ― Germany Kent


  1. 6am

    Jess W 15:00 su/duax3:00 - 5wc/5wwi - 1/2ghd
    Tori 14:20 200su-1/2 ghd - 5wc/5wwi
    Subhan 14:15 scales for pulled Hammy

  2. masters
    20 cal ski
    30 GHD
    1 box walk around
    3 wall walk in
    100ft sexy bear crawl
    3 wall walk in
    1 box walk around
    30 GHD
    20 Cal ski

    Meg D 11:11
    Ali 12:47 (50 DU)
    Terry 11:59
    Lisa 12:50

  3. 9:30
    Gina 14:33 50 DU/30 GHD/Box walk around
    Larissa 13:33 50 DU/40 GHD 10 wall walk in 2 box walk around
    Jill H 16:00 50 DU/10 wall walk in / 2 box walk around

    Edwin 13:00 50 DU/ 10 kick up
    Meredith 12:24 wiffles/ 10 kick up / 2 box walk around
    Trevor 11:45 30 GHD/ partial rom
    Dana H 13:16 rx
    Taylor 11:59 12 pickup 1/2 ghd
    Rich A 12:39 rx
    Shannon 15:18 50 DU/10 kick up/ 2 box walk around
    Dana D 13:01 10 kick up / 2 box walk around
    Evan 15:29 50 du/20 ghd

  4. 4:30pm
    Jeff 7:48 sit-ups
    Alex Tu 11:66 25ft 5 WWins
    Leah 13:46 sc
    The Nat 11:19 8 WWins 1/2 GHDs 1/2 sit-ups
    Erika 11:51 aC
    Joe 12:41 sc

    Baez 14:23 RX
    Lil D 14:09 dub attempts 10 WWins
    Rakshit 16:49 10 kick ups 1/2 dubs 1/2 singles (second set)
    Lauren 13:27 sc

  5. 6:30pm
    Faith D. 11:11 Dub attempts, ABSU, Bear Crawl
