

Take 15 minutes to build to a HEAVY Back Squat then...

5 Rounds:
Within a 2:00 Minute Window:
5 HEAVY Back Squats (80% or above)
10/12 Calories Ski Erg
Rest 2:00

Community Notes:
Saturday 9 AM class will be held at the Lyons Den (555 W. Beidler Rd, KoP), there will be no Saturday 10:15 am CrossFit Kids.
All other weekend classes will be held at the gym- we are hosting a one day CrossFit Fundamentals Course on Saturday at CFKOP. 

Next Saturday 7/22 we will be hosting the 'Brawl in the Burbs' - There will be NO classes on 7/22.

Mark your calendars for our internal (members only) competition - 'King and Queen of Prussia' on August 19th.

 “Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars.” —Khalil Gibran


  1. Mark 245,Rx
    Brian 295,225
    Bobby 315, rx
    Mike S 165,105

  2. 9:30am
    Larissa 85# Push Press, RX
    Jamie 155#, 6 front rack lunges, 8 lunges @ 155#
    Monica 100#, 73#
    Jill H. 155, RX

    Rich A. 335#, RXish
    Taylor 355#, 235#
    Keith 365#, 275#
    Megz, 145#, RX
    Steph C. 150# PR!!, 105#
    Edwin 255# PR!!, RX
    Meredith 205#, 135#
    The Nat 235#, RX

  3. 4:30
    Alex 365 ,225
    Jeff 395, RX
    Greg 295, rx
    Erika 155,17"

    May 153, 17" c2 bike
    Rakshit 295, rx
    Danielle 185 rx
    Baez 345 RX
    Scientist 220 row
    Evan 255 rx
