
Coach Spotlight - Gordy Jamieson

How long have you been at CF KOP? 
I joined in mid 2015, after 2-1/2 years at another gym. 
What inspired you to start Coaching? 
 Aimee encouraged me to take the L1 course, as she thought it would help my efforts to compete in crossfit. It worked, and continued to improve my skill set. When Aimee asked me if I would be interested in coaching, my positive response lead me to take courses for L2, Crossfit Kids and the Competitors course. This prepared me to start, and with Aimee’s ever watchful eye, I was the regular coach for Wed. 9:30 and nooner. 

What is your favorite aspect of coaching? 
Helping people realize their potential in athletic movement and them learning that it is vital to a healthy life. 

You've found a place in the Olympic Lifting world. Tell us how you got into it and where that has taken you over the years. At the time of deciding to improve my OLY lifting, I was 64 and no longer competitive in crossfit, as the last age group was 60. Having learned from competing in crossfit that setting goals is critical to maintaining a healthy and active lifestyle, I joined the Monday OLY group with coach Jim Rutter. This led to significant improvements and an opportunity to compete once again. Since OLY competitions are setup by age and weight, there was an opportunity to compete on an equal footing through age 90! The rest is history, having won the National Championship every year since my first comp in 2020, and still hold the national records. 

When you're not in the gym what keeps you entertained and busy? 
We (Terry and I) have 13 acres to take care of, plus 2 dogs. We still do all the landscaping, fencing and maintenance, and will do so for as long as we can. Crossfit for both of us makes that happen! I’m also an active golfer, playing all year round, and follow college and pro sports (F1 is top of list!). Helping with our 2 grandkids is a big part of our life as well. We also travel, read and catch some good series and movies on tv. 
How does it feel to be a 4 time national champ? It feels good! It’s challenging to find ways to set goals and achieve a sense of accomplishment in life once you retire from the workforce. Olympic lifting, and to a lesser extent golf, still offer challenges to stay motivated mentally and physically. 

How do you train for longevity? It’s easy, just keep showing up at whatever physical activity you love. Listen to your body when things go sideways, and recover completely when injured. Get plenty of sleep and eat well. 

Why do you CrossFit? It’s the concept of functional movement, constantly varied and performed at high intensity(relative to your capability), that offers activity for full body movement. Of course, it’s the community that supports the desire to want to return on a regular basis. 
What do you feel is the biggest benefit of CrossFit? 
It provides a method for people to discover things their body and mind are capable of doing, when many of us would settle for less on our own. Being part of a friendly and supporting community is the key to unlocking one’s mental and physical potential.

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