

AMRAP in 10 Minutes:
5 Toes to Bar
3 Strict Ring Dips
1 Power Clean (135/205#)

Rest 3:00

AMRAP in 10 Minutes:
30 ft Handstand Walk 
2 Clean and Jerks (135/205#)
200 Meter Run

“Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal.” – Henry Ford


  1. 6am
    Mike S. 10, 3+3 105 sc
    Kristi 9+8, 4+3 63# sc
    Jess W. 9+2, 4+1 74#
    Max 7, 4 145#, 125# sc

  2. 9:30
    Jacke 7 5GHD , dip hold, 125 RDL, 3+6 HS hold 3RDl
    Larissa 11+1 75 ,negatives/ 5 65# WWI
    Mary 7+4 negatives 95
    Jill 8 95# negatives some rom/ 4+1 3WWI 95
    Cate 11+1 115/ 3+1 115
    Em G 9+5 100 negatives some rom / 4+5 WWI
    Dan 10+5 rx/ 3+4 rx

  3. nooner
    Meredith 10+8 115# 4+3 sc 95#
    Carl 15 rx 5+4 rx
    Pam 8+5 rx 3+3 rx
    Britt 9+5 sc 65# 4+5 65 rx
    Sydney Hain 7+1 sc 3+4 sc 75
    Kev H 13+5 rx 4+1 185 wwin
    Rich A 13+6 rx 3+2 rx
    Remer 12 rx 3+2 rx
    Shannon 8+3 rom box dip/ 4 wall walk in
    Gillian 7+8 wc 65# 2+5 + 450 c2 bike 65#
    Meg D 7+8 95# 4+3 95 sc
    Gordy 7+3 women rx 4+3 ww in 135 bike
    Philipp 6 sc 4+1 115#
    Geoff 9 sc 4+3 sc 155#
