

Take 20 Minutes to build to a HEAVY 1 RM Snatch


Every minute on the minute for 14 minutes: 
Min. 1 - 10/15 cal Assault Bike 
Min. 2 - 3 Snatch

(Choose a moderate to heavy load for the snatches)

Community Notes:
There will be NO CrossFit Classes on Saturday 4/1 - We are hosting Super Total. Please come out to spectate and cheer on your favorite athletes. Classes will resume on Sunday.

 "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." 
- Eleanor Roosevelt


  1. Brian S. 155
    Mike 105
    Jessica 165 Back Squat
    Ben 155

  2. nooner
    1 RM
    Carl B 207.5 PR!!
    Taylor 176
    Gillian 45
    Gordy 145
    Shannon 105
    Erini 70
    Meredith 90
    Dana H 140
    Rich A 200 PR!!

  3. nooner- met con weight/cals
    Carl (20 cals 4 rds/ 135-145-155-165 x4)
    Taylor 135
    Gillian 35
    Gordy 10 cals/95#
    Shannon 75-95
    Erini 55
    Meredith 75-85
    Dana H 115
    Rich A 140

  4. 9:30
    Jill 85... 75
    Jackie 85 clean doubles, 85
    Em G 85,85
    Jamie 115, 105

  5. 4:30
    Freaky 93/75
    Jeff 205/1555
    Erin :)
    Leah M 75/55
    Jerry 115/ 115 15 cals bike
    Edwin 125/ 85
    Karen M 90/ 85 c2 bike
    Mike Mit 135 /105 1 pedal air bike
    Erika 90/65
    Alex Tu 175/ 115 15/10 cal
    Olan 155/135 11 cals
    Ryan S 145/115 12 cals 3 rds
    Julia C 125/85
    Matty Bo 165/115
    Lenny 124/ 70
    Joe S 145 :)
    Lauren T 90/65 Echo bike

  6. 5:30
    Mark 165 115-125
    Emma 105 PR 75-85
    Kristen 70 , 50
    Greg 165 135
    Baez 225PR 135 :)
    Julia Nam 135
    Dan 185 135 10cal for the last 2rounds
    Tori 70 45
    Jess 85 65
    Bhargav 85 65 10cals
    Danielle 75 65
    The Nat 110 65-70 echo
    Vi 90 65

  7. Ryan P 105, 75
    About 80 45
    Steph 80, 55' 6 cals
    Evan 155 , 95 10cals
