

For time: 
800/1,000-m row 
40 v-ups 
600/750-m row 
40 ab-mat situps
400/500-m row

Community Notes:
Join us in all classes tomorrow for OPEN WOD 23.1 and a special Friday Night Lights from 4:30 on!!!

9AM Saturday and Sunday will be held at the Lyons Den- 555 w Beidler Rd, KoP

“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” - Maya Angelou


  1. 6:00am

    Jess W 13:40 Rx
    Tori 13:07 Rx
    Missy 14:32 Rx
    Matt 14:46 Rx
    Subhan 14:17 Rx

  2. 9:30
    Mary 13:22 rx
    Sarah B 13:29 rx
    Molly 11:27 rx
    Colette 10:45 rx

  3. nooner
    Matt Bo 14:31 rx
    John Mc 15:03 rx
    Meredith 13:31 rx
    Shannon 12:35 rx
    Erini 10:30 rx
    Pam 10:23 rx
    Meg D 12:48 rx
    Kevin H 13:17 rx
    Rich A 11:59 rx
    Philipp 14:25 rx
    Mohammed 14:54 800/600/400 30 v up and situp
    Geoff 13:08 rx

  4. Masters
    Richard 14:42
    Terry 11:13
    Kathy 13:36
    Lee 12:25
    Lisa 14:02


  5. 4:30pm
    Erika 12:37 RX
    Emma 13:11 RX
    Freaky 11:55 RX

    Dan 14:02 RX
    Meg O. 10:53 RX
    Leo 15:54 30 v-ups & sit-ups
    Matt 14:48 RX
    Joe S. 13:05 RX
    Jamie S. 11:50 14# medball clean, air squat
    Lil D 13:29 RX
    Baez 13:53 RX
    Julia 14:40 700-500-400

  6. 6:30PM
    *Softball squad did ROM/alternating V-ups*
    Ava M 13:03
    Ava D 11:48
    Ally B 13:07
    Lucia G 11:42
    Gianna T 13:20
    Molly G 13:13
    Genevieve M 13:19
    Steph C 13:02 - alternating v-ups
