

3 rounds for time of: 
25/27 calories air bike
21 dumbbell thrusters 
15 pull-ups (gymnastic kip)
♀ 25-lb DBs ♂ 35-lb DBs

Community Notes:
Weekend classes 9 am Saturday and Sunday will be held at the Lyons Den 555 w. Beidler Rd, KoP.

“A mentor is someone who allows you to see the hope inside yourself.” 
- Oprah Winfrey


  1. 6am

    Mark 15:48 Rx
    Matt 18:00 20 6pu
    Mike 18:23 20 21-15-9
    Sughan 19:32 Rx

  2. Aimee 15:36 rx
    Cate 16:07 SA Thruster/Lunge/BJ 24"

    Dan C 19:16 rx
    Sarah 20:22 rr 15#
    Katie F 21:10 20/15# 12 pullups
    Jill H 21:21 20#
    Jackie 17:20 FS 9 banded PU
    Mary H 17:02 21-15-9reps 15#
    Shannon 20:54 rx
    Larissa 20:48 25# 15 reps thruster

  3. 12:00
    Ben 18:01 1 RDRX/2 RDS 15-12-9 reps
    The Nat 16:56 rx
    John Mc 17:50 25# RR
    Pam G 14:11 SA DB Thruster
    Jordan 17:03 20#
    Mohammed 18:32 15# 21/15/9 reps box pull-ups
    Em G 16:02 rx
    Rich A 13:08rx
    Remer 13:30 rx
    Geoff 17:51 row 25#
    Meredith 15:14 RR

  4. 4:30
    Evan 20:21 rx
    Samson 15:41 rx
    Emma 17:25 rr 20#
    Smutek 15:03 30#
    Alex turner 17:34 rx
    Meg O 15:07 rx
    Freaky G 16:44 rx
    Jeff 10:45 rx
    Dave H 16:38 rx

  5. 5:30
    J Spak 14:15 RR
    Newcomer 19:16 rx
    Seth 19:10 9 kip swings
    Baez 19:31 rx
    Lil D 18:27 rx
    Greg 10:49 2 rounds

    Vi 15:26 18/15/9 15# RR
    Rachel 19:34 rx
    Tori 15:20 20# rom
    jess 17:29 20# ROm
