

AMRAP in 15 Minutes:
8 Deadlifts (105/155#)
5 Hang Power Cleans (105/155#)
3 Bar Muscle Up

“As Aristotle said, 'Excellence is a habit.' I would say furthermore that excellence is made constant through the feeling that comes right after one has completed a work which he himself finds undeniably awe-inspiring. He only wants to relax until he's ready to renew such a feeling all over again because to him, all else has become absolutely trivial.” ― Criss Jami, Killosophy


  1. nooner
    Meredith 85 JMU
    Jamie 8+11 6 devils press 35# for bmu
    Gordy 7+14 BMUA 105
    Kevin H 9+8 135#
    Leo 5+10 95 hips to bar
    Pam G 7 rx
    Emma Girl 8 85#
    Shannon 9 hips to bar JMU
    Ben 6+3 BMUA
    Rich A 9+2 rx

    Cate 8+5 11 bj 20" for BMU
    Aimee 10+3 rx

    Colette 7+13 rx
    Mary H 8+15 75# 1/2 jbmu 1/2 hips to bar
    Jackie 8+18 scaled
    Erini 6+11 85#
    Jill H 8+4 85 JBMU

    Matty Bo 6+2 banded bmu 135
    Dave H 9+10 rx
    Geoff 7 125# strict PU

  2. 4:30
    Kristen N 10 65 JBMU
    Erika 10 85# pull-ups
    Emma N 9 95 JBMU
    Alex Tu 7+8 rx
    Meg O 8+10 rx
    Lauren T 8+14 85#
    Jeff P 12+9 rx
    Karen 12+3 85# 3 BJ
    Mike Mit 6+2 105#
    John Mc 5 (115 JBMU)
    Edwin 7 75# JBMU
    Julia C 7 rx
    Freaky G 6+13 rx
    Olan 6+3 135# BMUA
    Mohammad 11 (35# JBMU)

  3. 5:30
    Newcomer 11 low jumps
    Dana 9 rx
    Baez 8+ 3 rx
    Scientist 6+2 85 hips
    Danielle C 9+ 6 85 low jumps
    Seth 6+10 165 low jumps
    Evan 6+13 105
    Brittany 9+ 3 55 hips

    Dan 9+ 5 rx
    Steph 9+2 low jump 75
    Vi 7+8 85 low
    Sarah 9+9 low 55
