

All for time:

3 Rounds of:
25 Abmat-Sit-ups
18/25 Calorie Air Bike

rest 2:00

3 Rounds of:
25 GHD-Sit-ups
18/25 Calorie Air Bike

Community Notes:
Weekend classes - 9 AM Saturday (CrossFit) and Sunday (Cardio) will be held at the Lyons Den 555 W. Beidler Road, King of Prussia. 

"The art of life is to know how to enjoy a little and to endure very much." 
-William Hazlitt


  1. 6 AM
    Brian S 18:23 rx
    Jamie 20:55 kbs 53#
    Mark 19:34 15 GHD

    9:30 AM
    Jackie 18:10 C2 bike
    Mary H 22:23 TTpole/V-up/ hollow hold
    Sofia 19:36 15 GH (15/10 cals bike)
    em G 19:03 18 GHD
    Jill H 20:50 rx

  2. nooner
    Meg O 18:14 rx
    Meg D 23:30 rx
    Meredith 18:56 C2bike
    Pam G 17:38 rx
    John Mc 25:46 rx
    Shannon 20:44 rx
    Sarah B 27:07 ABMAT
    Dana H 19:50 rx
    Ina 20:35 c2bike 18 GHD
    Geoff 18:10 Row/Abmat

  3. Aimee 20:01 rx
    Lauren T 19:28 (20 ghd)

  4. 4:30Danielle 20:00 rx
    Jeff 16:35 ex
    Erika 21:21 rx
    Alex TU 21:55
    Julia 16:35 18 ROM GHD
    Sa,spm 21:48 radish
    Emma 21:14 15 GHD
    Will 21:48 12 GHD
    Leah 21:45 15 GHD
    Kate C 15:38 russian twist
    Caitli:20:59 rx

  5. 5:30
    Scientist 24:26 15 cal
    Newcomer 24:12 RX
    May 24:17 14 cals 20 ROMGHD
    Seth 21:42 ball situps
    Danielle C 21:00 rx
    Baez 21:34 rx
    Rachel 20:59 5 ghds per round

    Jorge 21:08 sc
    Dan22:14 rx
    Steph 19:14 14 cal 15 GHD
