

27-21-15-9 reps of:
Thruster (65/95#)
Chest to Bar Pull-up

Community Notes:
Join us on Saturday 12/24 for 'rolling heats' of the 12 days of Christmas WOD from 8:30-11:00 AM.
CrossFit King of Prussia will be CLOSED on Sunday 12/25 and Monday 12/26, we will resume normal schedule on Tuesday 12/27. 

Advent Day 20:
Max Sandbag hold (your choice weight) (M/F)

“Be thankful for what you have; you'll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don't have, you will never, ever have enough.” —Oprah Winfrey


  1. Pete D 16:38 rx
    Pam G 12:01 15/12/9/6 pull-up
    Meg o 10:54 rx
    Max 16:50 85# C2B and PU
    Evan 14:20 21-15-9 reps
    Carl B 11:49 rx
    Kevin H 12:42 rx
    Rich a 10:29 rx
    Jess D 13:46 21-15-12-9 PU
    Matty Bp 10:59 21-15-12-9 reps 75#

  2. masters
    21-15-12-9 thrusters
    15-12-9-6 pullups

    Lisa 11:50 35# band
    Lee 11:53 35 #PU
    Gordy 9:06 65 #
    Terry 10:49 1/2 c2b/ 1/2 pu 35#
    Ina 10:16 35 band
    Kathy 11:51 35# RR

  3. 6 am
    Mark 15:18 PU
    Subhan 16:35 85# 18-15-9-6 c2b
    Kristi 16:25 35 band
    Missy 14:15 45 RR
    Jamie 11:23 RR
    Tori 16:30 55 band
    Jess 16:04 55 band kip

    Jackie 11:15 15-12-9-6- biheral+fs
    Katie 12:02 PU 18/15/9/6 55#
    Em G 11:15 5 chestier 21-18-15-9

  4. 4:30 PM
    Remer 9:06 rx
    Meg D 8:30 RS/RR
    Erika 12:46 masters sc 65# band rom
    Jeff 7:27 rx
    Joe S 9:59 21-15-12-9 PU
    Dave H 15:29 21-15-12-9 95#
    Erin 7:54 rx
    Alex T 11:07 75#/ fs 21-15-12-9 C2B
    Freaky 13"05 21-15-9-6 c2b
    Emma N 12:22 45 ROM PU
    Ben 13:32 75# 15-12-9-9 C2B some PU
    Ryan S 10:48 PU 75#
    Karen M 12:40 55# rom C2B masters scale

  5. 5:30pm
    Seth 16:40 strict press 95#, rr, 50 cal C2B
    Julia 12:50 rr
    Baez 16:43 RX
    Lil D 14:58 55# 21-15-12-9 PU

    Steph C. 12:12 45#
    21-14-12-9 thrusters, 15-12-9-6 pull-ups
