

For time:
20 Calories Air Bike
20 Clean and Jerks (105/155#)
20 Bar Muscle Ups
20 Calories Air Bike

Advent Day 14:
Max Bar Muscle Ups in one set (M/F)

"Courage is one step ahead of fear." 
 - Coleman Young.


  1. 9:30
    Dana h 13:24 rx
    Evan Z 14:12 105#
    Jill H 12:27 75 hips to bar
    Kevin H 11:57 rx
    John King 12:04 135# banded BMU/ C2B
    Em B 10:18 95# banded bmu 95#
    ABO 9:28 55 band pu
    Sofia 13:02 55# JBM 30"
    Katie 12:57 75# JBMU 24"

  2. nooner
    Rich a 10:30 rx
    Meg D 12:31 85#BMU banded
    Matty Bo 12:42 135# band bmu
    JOrdan 12:55 95# hips to bar
    Meredith 12:48 75 / band bmu
    Shannon 11:10 95# band bmu
    Jamie 10:38 pull/push 20 reps
    Pam 11:56 12 bmu

  3. 6am
    Edwin 11:06 75#, JBMU
    Danielle 12:57 15JBMU
    Larissa 12:06 65#, 10JBMU
    Mike S. 13:46 95#, PU
    Subhan 10:28 115#, 10 BMU
    Tori M. 11:56 55#, banded PU
    Jess W. 12:20 55#, banded PU

  4. 4:30
    Leah 14:14 75 JBMU
    Freaky 14:13 10 BMU
    Julia 12:40 rx
    Alex Tu 1-:43 115
    Mark 12:07 10 BMU
    Top GUn 13:17 95 hips
    Remer 9:40 7:39 rx
    Jeff 7:39 rx
    Erin 8:34 rx
    Erika 12:23 85 hips to bar

  5. 5:30
    Greg 10:43 rx
    Baez 12:11 95
    Matt t 11:58 95 JBMU
    Danielle 13:03 75 low bar

    Dan 10:50 rx
    Emma 12:23 85 JBMU
