

All for time:
50-35-25 reps of:
Wallballs (14/20 to 9/10 ft)
Russian Kettlebell Swings (53/70#)

Rest 5:00 

2 Rounds:
250 M Ski Erg
15 Power Clean (75/115#)
250 M Ski Erg
15 Push Press (75/115#)

Community Notes:
We will be CLOSED for Labor Day on Monday September 5th.

You learn more from failure than from successes. Don’t let it stop you. Failure builds character.

1 comment:

  1. Mae 27:43 40-25-15 10#
    Pam 23:08 RX
    Megz 12#, 30# medball cleans, 25# DB PP
    The Nat 23:19 RX
    Aimee 26:58 RX + child distraction
    Jason 27:26 14#, 55#, 45#
    Dana D. 28:16 20# slamball, 35# S/A DB PP
