
Athlete spotlight - Alex Turner


How long have you been CrossFitting at CF KOP?

I’ve been at CrossFit KOP for almost 5 years now, doing my fundamentals here in the middle of August 2017.

We see you frequent the 4:30, is there something magical about that time slot that really gets you pumped?

4:30 is great because it’s the perfect time for me to come and forget about everything at work and relieve some stress.  Plus, the people are super nice and great.  There’s something to be said for a great group of people pushing you to do your best.

We see you arrive early to work on weaknesses and fine tune your craft, what drives this motivation?

My competitive spirit and my desire to always be able to do everything in the gym motivates me to always improve. Seeing the progress that I make on things like butterfly pull-ups and then applying it in workouts like Fran motivates me to continue to improve and do better.

What are your biggest strengths inside and out of the gym?

My biggest strength in the gym is probably my ability to not think and just turn off my brain for a bit so to speak.  When strength training, it lets me get past mental blocks by not thinking about what weights I’m lifting.  When doing normal WODs, it lets me continue and achieve great scores by not thinking of what’s left.

Outside of the gym my biggest strength is probably my ability to understand large complex problems and quickly come up with solutions that enable mission success on short timetables.

What are your top 3 favorite movements too see come up in a wod?

Ring Muscle Ups


Double unders

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