

5 Rounds for time:
20 Box Jumps (20/24")
16 Single KB Lunge (53/70#)
12 Chest to Bar Pull-ups

 "There’s no shortcut. I’m no accident. People like to say it’s natural. It’s not so. You have to practice and you have to study."- Miles Davis


  1. 6 am
    Subhan 19:57 sc
    Colette 13:10 PU
    Danielle G 16:45 rr
    Larissa 17:39 25#
    Yes 16:40 band 35#
    Laura 21:47 35# band
    Mike S 20:15 20" 35# RR
    Michael C 15:26 20" 35# PU
    Kevin B 16:37 strict RR
    Mark S 20:19 53#

  2. 9:30
    Emma S 20:07 11" 18# RR
    EM G 17:29 45# banded
    ABO 17:21 15" 35# RR
    Rachel D 18:26 17" 18# RR
    Jackie H 21:16 44# band strict
    Jill 21:11 17" band/strict 35#
    Steph C 17:32 17" 26#/ banded

  3. nooner
    Dan C 15:50 rx
    Dave H 18:39 rx
    Pam G 12:46 7 C2B
    Evan Z 19:17 53#
    Meg D 17:15 1/2 step up, 7 c2b/ 44#
    Lauren T 12:28 step up
    Geoff 17:53 53# 20'

  4. 4:30
    Jeff 10:39 RX
    Samson 15:41 RX
    Taylor 18:55
    Erika 11:19 44#, 7 pull-ups
    Alex Tu 17:24 55#
    Erin 11:09 Rax
    Freak G 16:57 44#
    Meg O 13:18 RX
    The Natalie 18:O6 RX+ (55#)

    Rebecca 22:35 44#
    Baez 18:20 RX
    Keith 20:28 55# pull-ups
    Shannon 21:09 44#, banded
    Rachel 18:10 44#, 4 Rds
    Joe 5. 18:57 RX

  5. 6:30
    Greg A. 16:29 RX
    Emma 19:48 step ups, 35# goblet squats, kip swings
    Max 20:41 55#, pull-ups

  6. masters
    Alan 12:30 bent over row
    Kathy 11:58 step up bent over row
    Ina 13:47 banded
    Lee 14:20 banded
    Terry 12:02 35# kb 8 banded c2b
    Gordy 13:02 35# 35# kb 9 c2b
    Regina 12:30 bent over row plate jumps
