

4 Rounds for time:
400 Meter Run 
20 Power Snatch (65/95#)
5 Ring Muscle Ups

“I would rather walk with a friend in the dark, than alone in the light.” ― Helen Keller


  1. 6 am
    Danielle 21:03 banded PU
    Jamie 20:52 jumping MU
    Missy 23:55 55 transition
    Kate c 18:47 200 transitions
    Aashish 19:14 65 jumping
    Mark 23:30 75 strict
    Greg 25:27 rx
    Erini 23:13 45 jumping
    Julia 21:12 5 banded dips

    Shannon25:35 55 transitions
    Jackie 23:42 1k bike 3JRMU
    Liz 23:21 35 transitions
    Em g 22:56 1/2 PU 1/2 transitions
    Aimee 23:57 3RDS RX
    Gordy 24:30 1k c2 75 jrmu
    Cate 25:30 200
    Jill 22:52 50 JRMU
    Emma s 24:37 200 35# rr

  2. Taylor 19:07 200 m 3 RMU

    Keith 18:51 1/2
    Remer 21:19 rx
    Rich 23:41 rx
    Freaky g 24:15 JRMU
    The Natalie 24:34 high transition
    Edwin 22:52 65 transition
    Pete 26:55 rx
    Megs 24:10 scaled
    Pam 20:02 JRMU
    Geof 18:41 sa snatch 25
    5 chest to bar

  3. 4:30
    Jeff 19:58 RX
    Erin 23:29 RX
    Lauren 23:50 scaled
    Alex Tu 26:18, 1k C2, 65#
    Dan 28:50 RX
    Sarah 12:49 scaled
    Yex 22:43 55# , trans
    Meg O. 28:59 RX
    Joe S. 20:00 scaled
    Will 20:46 65#, 1k, trans
    ABO 20:37 55#, trans
    Ben B. 24:06 1k C2, strict pull-ups

    Gia 26:15 55#, trans
    Matt 27:15 75# trans
    Katie 25:08 35#, trans
    Baez 28:08 BMU
    Lil D 26:25 55#, trans
