

For time:
150 Double Unders
30 KB Box Step ups (35/53#) to 20/24"
3 Rope Climbs 20ft
100 Double Unders
20 KB Box Step ups (35/53#) to 20/24"
2 Rope Climbs 20ft
50 Double Unders
10 KB Box Step ups (35/53#) to 20/24"
1 Rope Climbs 20ft

“Stay away from those people who try to disparage your ambitions. Small minds will always do that, but great minds will give you a feeling that you can become great too.” — Mark Twain


  1. nooner
    Em G 17:46 (2-2-1 ropes 15ft)
    Taylor 22:34 20"
    Pam G 15:32 rx
    Freaky G 16:38 rx
    Dana D 18:48 17"
    Pete D 21:15 20" 1/2 du
    Rich A 20:54 rx
    Meg D 17:37 15 ft 13" box
    Remer 16:08 rx + short ropes

    6 am
    Brian 18:38 20" 1/4 du
    Jamie S 15:36 rx
    Mark 19:35 35#/ 20"

  2. masters
    Linda 12:43 25#/13/10ft/SU
    Lee 14:44 18#/17" 10ft/ 50/25/15 DU
    Ina 13:18 18#/17" 10ft/ 50/25/15 DU
    Terry 15:11 18#/17" 15ft/ 50/25/15 DU
    Alan 14:38 wiffleballs/3 rope pulls
    Kathy 10:00 18"/13# SU pulls
    Lisa 13:55 RR/ 26#.13" SU

  3. 4:30
    Jeff 12:25rx
    Lauren 16:56 17in box 15ft
    Alex Tu 20:10 45# 15ft
    Karen Mas 16:17 15ft timed dub practice
    Samson 19:33 20 in box
    Erin 13:34rx
    Joe S 19:00 sc
    Edwin 17:35 sc
    Mike Mitt 22:12 44# su
    Meg O 17:30rx

  4. 5:30
    Baez 25:03rx
    Rebecca 22:16 100-100-50 15ft
    Seth 19:40 17 in 44#
    Emma N 16:45 17in 25# 5-4-3 rope climb attempts
    Julia 26:50rx
    Gia 16:something 17in 26# 15ft
    Danielle c 16:00 17 in 25# 15ft

  5. 6:30
    Max 18:59 20 in 35# 15ft
    Matt T 16:45 20 in 35# 2 walks up the rope
