

For time:
800 Meter Run 
150 Double Unders
8 Rope Climbs (15ft)
400 Meter Run 
100 Double Unders 
4 Rope Climbs (15ft)
200 Meter Run
50 Double Unders
2 Rope Climbs (15ft)

"You don't need strength to let go of something. What you really need is understanding." 
 - Guy Finley.


  1. 6am
    Kev B 17:40 5-3-1
    Jamie 16:45 rx
    Mark 21:51 rx
    Subhan 10:00 sc
    Larissa 19:20 timed dub practice
    Edwin 19:40 timed dub practice
    Laura S 21:43 timed dub practice, 2 pulls up the rope

  2. 9:30
    Cate 22:39 3R 400m run 100DU 2 Rope Climbs
    Aimee 21:43 RX
    Steph 25:38 6-3-1 rope climbs
    Em 24:40 4-3-1 rope climbs
    John K 22:40 150-75-25 DU

  3. Geoff 17:11 75/30/30 8 C2B per


    Remer 14:16 rx
    Meg D 24:05 6/3/1 rope climbs C2 bike x2
    Mel W 22:09 6/3/2 rope climbs
    Pete D 21:17 SU
    Katie F 22:31 cargo net 6/4/2 wiffle du
    Danilelle G 23:26 rx
    Ina 24:17 1/2 DU (5/3/1 10 ft ropes)
    Dave H 25:29 CARGO NET
    Taylor 25;04 RX
    The Nat 23:41 5/3/1 ROPE
    Pam G 20:03 RX

  4. 4:30
    Lauren 19:17 6-3-1 Rc 100-75-50
    Erin 16:42 rx
    Jeff 14:44 rx+8-6-2 RC
    Meg 17:40 rx
    Matt 20:31 dubs work rope climb work
    Alex tu 22:47 rx
    Karen :)
    Erika 23:00 c2 dubs work 4-3-1 RC
    Will 20:34 c2 dubs work 4-2-1
    May 21:49 c2 ski db press db DL
    Samson 20:27 rx
    Mitter 23 singles

  5. 5:30
    Baez 25:19 rx
    Randy 17:50 rx
    Joe 21:41 rx
    Lil D 20:50 6-4-2 timed single double
    Gia 23:15 6-3-1
    Shannon 23:00 singles 5-3-1 10"
    Bratcher 22:44 4-3-2 10'
    Greg 19:52 rx

  6. 6:30
    Matt 19:22 singles half climb ROM
    Max 20:20 1/2 climbs
    Seth 19:40 c2 singles/wiffle
