

For total time:
Strict Handstand Push-ups
100 ft Walking Lunge

rest 5:00

3 Rounds of:
10 Push Jerks (105/155#)
50 Air Squats

“If you are working on something that you really care about, you don’t have to be pushed. The vision pulls you.” — Steve Jobs


  1. 6:00am

    Edwin 18:36 SDP 25/70
    Rodd 10:54 Rx/110
    Missy 21:12 2.5ab/65
    Larissa 19:22 2ab/55
    Brian 18:22 Rx
    Laura 21:00 3ab/65
    Kate C 21:48 pushups
    Mike S 24:01 pushups/85

  2. nooner
    Dave H 22:35 9-7-5 hspu 1 ab
    Evan Z 26:35 15-12-9 hspu 105#
    Dana H 23:44 rx
    Pete D 18:25 rx
    Rich A 14:51 rx
    Dan C 22:49 rx
    Meg D17:46 1.5 ab mat 85#
    Matty Bo 22:46 2 AB
    Freaky G 17:59 rom hspu
    The Nat 16:10 1.5 abmat
    Pam G 17:26 2 ABMAT
    Geoff 20:05 115 bench press

  3. masters
    15-12-9 strict hspu
    100 ft lunge
    rest 5:00
    10 Push Jerk
    35 Air Squats

    Lee 21:25 55# 3 AB
    Mom 20:09 box hspu 3 ab mats 31#
    Terry 20:59 50 AS 55#2.5 AB
    Lisa 20:30 box hspu 3 ab 35#
    Kathy 20:20 box hspu 3 ambits 35#

  4. 4:30
    Lauren T 18:46 3abm 95#
    Jeff 12:47rx
    Keith 20:10 12-9-6 135#
    Meg O 13:25rx
    Yex 15:25 80# 1.5abm
    Remer 14:41rx

  5. 5:30
    Danielle C 18:31 2 mats 75#
    Jamie 19:09 2 mats 150ft by accident
    Ben 20:18 push ups 135# 35 air squat
    Julia 21:38 2 mats
    Max 24:25 2 mats 125#
    Mark S 22:36 2 mats 135#
    Erika 21:06 75# stink bugs
    Baez 18:20

  6. 6:30
    Edgar 20:48 SB, 95#
    Rachel 22:05 Pushups
    Matt T 23:50 SB, 85#
    Seth 24:14 55# Seated DB Press, 30/round reverse lunges

  7. 9:30
    Erini 17:08 2ab 65
    Katie 19:30 2.5 65
    Jackie 19:40 2.5 95
    Jill 19:05 2.5 ab 75
