

 Four - 3:00 Rounds of:
12/15 Calories Row
10 Deadlifts (185/275#)
Max Wallballs (14/20 or 9/10 ft)

Rest 2:00 

(score is total number of wall balls for all four rounds)

“Don’t let yesterday take up too much of today.” — Will Rogers


  1. 6am
    Rodd 125 14# masters rx
    Larissa 92 105# 10#
    Brian S 120 rx
    Kate C 83 165#
    Ryan P 91 225#
    Laura S 68 135# 10#

  2. 9:30 AM
    Jackie H 85 rx
    Dan C 74 rx
    Gordy 87225# 14# to 9ft
    Emma S 44 95#/12# 10 cals
    Jill H 71 rx
    Steph C 77 115#

  3. nooner
    Meg D 77 12#/ 145#
    Keith 112 225#
    Taylor 92 rx
    Pam G 166 rx
    Rich A 123 rx
    Pete D 84 245#
    Geoff 92 225#/ 25 DB
    Ina 70 95/10# 10 cals
    Freaky G 104 rx
    Jamie S 185 rx
    Greg A 80 rx
    Remer 77 Rx + 30#

  4. 4:30
    Lenny 132 women's RXX
    Matt s 186 rx
    Lauren 98 175
    Yes 82 165
    Meg o 90 RX+ 20#
    Will 69 185 14
    May 56 10/9 6lbs
    Karen 85 165
    The Natalie 104 rx
    Mitter 93 women rx
    Jeff 134 rx+ 30#

  5. 5:30
    Joe 93 rx
    Kpop 55 105
    Katie 71 115 10
    Newcomer 65 165
    Erika 68 115
    Bratty 60 105
    Baez 101 rx
    Seth 72 245
    Lil d 72 145 12
    Samson 88
    Erini 93 135

  6. 6:30
    Rachel 87 rx
    Missy 86 105 10
    Matt t 86 125 14
    Sarah 38 ass bike wb squat z press
