

1 RM Push Press 

Cash out:
50 Double Unders
21 Push Press (70% or 1 RM)
50 Double Unders
15 Push Press
50 Double Unders
9 Push Press 

CLICK HERE to compare to 1.28.22

If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading. – Lao Tzu


  1. 6:00

    Colette 155 6:39
    Jamie 155 8:32
    Mark 175 8:14
    Julia 125 9:25
    Kate 135 7:45
    Ryan P 235 10:40

    ***All Ca$h outs Rx***

  2. 9:30 from the rack
    Abo 140 PR 10:50 25 dubs
    Erin L 120 9:00 Rx
    Jackie 162.5 PR 11:51 (21-10-5 PP)
    Steph 90 7:20 rx
    Em g 110 PR 6:11 RX
    Aimee 125 6:46 rx

    noon from the rack
    Remer Pr 210 (9:31 RX PR)
    Jill M 175 PR (7:55 RX)
    Rich A 257.5 (7:49 @155)
    Matty Boh 225 PR (12:49 RX)
    Freaky G 120 PR ( 7:15 RX)
    Meredith 115 (9:02 SU)
    Dave H 205 PR (11:50 RX)
    Geoff 170 7:09 25 su

  3. Masters 15-12-9 PP
    Gordy 175 PR 8:25 50 dub
    Lee 70 Pr 8:23 45# 30 DU
    Linda 73 Pr 5:58 SU
    Regina 55 3:40 SU DB
    Kathy 75 PR 6:06 SU
    Terry 95 Pr 9:25 30 du
    Lisa 75 PR! 8:25 SU
    Barb c 42.5 6:34 Su
    Ina 75 8:17 55/45 DU

  4. 4:30
    Kyle 205 (8:39 115/ :90 sec ski)
    Keith 185 5:46 95#
    Alex Tu 175 pr ! 11:03 15-12-9 reps
    Erin M 135 PR 7:30 rx
    Jeff P 265 pr 8:33 rx
    Sam 175 8:32 rx
    Joe S 215 7:19 135
    Meg O 140 4:54 rx
    Dana H 155 PR 10:57 rx

  5. 5:30
    Gia 115 PR! 9:01 rx
    Mak 140 7:15 rx
    Ben 225 PR! 13:58 rx
    Matt Th 145 PR! 10:16 rx
    Danielle C 90 7:36 rx
    Baez 245 13:13 rx
    Leah 95 8:49 rx

  6. 6:30
    Mike C 155#, 11:04RX
    Kevin B 135#, 8:32 21-15-9-7-5 Hang Power Clean 95#
    Nick H 185#, 12:28 (45 sec DU attempts)
    Natalie D 140#, 8:45RX
