

All for time:
3 Rounds:
12 Strict Handstand Push-ups
50 Walking Lunge Steps

Rest 3:00

3 Rounds:
12 Deficit Kipping Handstand Push-ups (2 X 45#/ 4 X45#)
25 Box Jumps (20/24")

Today was good. Today was fun. Tomorrow is another one. 
-Dr. Seuss


  1. 9:30
    Mary H 22:39 2 AB Plus Plate/ 2 AB 13" box
    Dana H 26:20 10 strict / 8 deficit 25# plates
    Erini 19:08 2AB/2 AB 6 reps kip practice
    Jackie 21:36 2AB+ plate 8 reps
    Evan Z 28 :42 5 strict/12 deficit to 25# plates
    Rachel Y 25:20 2 AB/1 AB
    Jill H 19:55 2 AB + plate/ 2 AB
    Em G 21:00 3 AB/ 3 AB- 6 reps kip practice

  2. Mark s 23:40 AB
    Mike S 22:41 box hspu/sdp/20"
    Edwin 17:56 2 AB/SDP/20"
    Kate 21:55 25# SDP/ 2 AB SDP
    Jamie 27:08 1 AB/RX
    Colette 17:06 sc

  3. nooner
    Rich A 18:56 rx
    Pam G 22:01 1 AB/8 reps
    Taylor 23:02 2.5 AB/ 6 to 45# plates
    Kevin 23:45 1 AB/ROM
    Katie F 21:20 2 AB
    The Nat 21:00 1 AB+ plate/1" deficit
