
Athlete spotlight - The Nooners!

This month we wanted to go off the beaten track and highlight not a single member but rather a group of dedicated individuals that have formed a community and culture within their frequented time slot. The Noon Class. This long stemming group has a vibe of their own, rowdy, feisty and very welcoming to newcomers. Lets see what some of the OG Noon members have to say about their noon community... 
How long have you been attending the Noon class time slot? Pete D: Been crashing the noon class ever since 2017 - they haven’t told me to leave yet so it’s the only class I go too! 

How has frequenting this class time changed your day for the better? Rich A: The noon class is a nice break from work and daily stress. Makes us mentally and physically more fit and engaged at work and with my family. 

 What do you think is responsible for the Magic that is the noon vibe? Kevin Hain: The people! The best way to explains it; it’s like hanging out with your friends every day. We all respect each other and at the same time challenge each other. Another example is, I was away for the summer, came back and it was like I never left. 

 Meredith: We have some regular nooners, and some other CFKOP members that pop in and join us periodically. Any magic at CFKOP always starts with Aimee, and her dedication to quality fitness and her attitude! No Ice breaker at the nooner is complete without words of inspiration and wisdom from Pastor Rich. It’s a fantastic, supportive, non-judgy and fun crew and I’m so grateful to have them! 

 How long have you been throwing down at noon? Pam G: Almost 10 years! Back when it was an hour the first time and the class consisted of 3 people including Coach Steph/Aimee. Then the (45 minute) Express was born and I somehow managed to turn 45 minutes into 3 hours...

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