
March Member Spotlight - Seth P.

We chose Seth as our March Member Spotlight because we see the dedication he has to bettering his health and wellness and forging a brighter future not only for himself but for his daughter as well. That's pretty cool!  Nights, weekends, group and personal training, kids class, the Open, The Supertotal, Seth is  ALL IN. That kind of commitment to yourself and this community calls for celebration. Check out what Seth has to say about his path to fitness.

What brought you into our doors? 
In April of 2020 I contracted Covid-19 and had pulmonary embolisms from Covid pneumonia.  The doctors said I was lucky to be alive.  When I was in the hospital on my "death bed", I decided when or if I get better that I wanted to change my health and my lifestyle.  Once I was able to think correctly again (September of 2020), I'd figure I would inquire about the King of Prussia CrossFit as I pass the building at least 2x a day for my business.  I emailed Aimee and she immediately responded with come in for a visit.

How long had it been since you were last practicing a fitness routine?
Before CrossFit it's been a while.  I played football for years and then life continued and got in the way like it does for a lot of people.  I would think probably 10 years ago I did some circuit training trying to get back into shape.

Was coming to CrossFit KOP intimidating?
100%, CrossFit has a mixed review on the 'street'.  I knew of some people that love it and some that got injured from it.  I actually watched Resurgence on Netflix before even entering the gym.  I find myself to be very competitive, but my mindset was different this time and didn't know if I was making too big of a jump coming off of Covid.  I'll never forget my first day after my test days.  The WOD was with rope climb, I never knew how to climb a rope correctly, never learned.  A fellow Cross Fitter climbed the rope with just her arms and I was like "what am I doing here?" 

What made you decide CrossFit was the way forward for you rather than a Globo Gym?
I'm a stubborn man!  I like that there is a coach to motivate and make you accountable for the WOD's you're working on.   Also, to finish the workout in a specific time.  Normal gyms I would spend 45 minutes just on the bench, no accountability and no time frame.

We see you’ve made it a family affair, bringing your daughter to CrossFit Kids, what made you want to get Zoey involved?
Zoe is everything to me! After 9 years of trying to have a child and then having this amazing, kind hearted kid.  Really makes it great to be a Dad!  She is me!  She likes to be competitive and likes working out with other kids her age.  She hasn't shown interest in sports or instruments, and myself coming from a heavy sports background I wanted her to do something and she just gravitated to CrossFit.  Anything is better than being glued to a cell phone or TV, why not make it CrossFit.

What goals do you have for 2022 in your CrossFit Journey? 
One muscle up!  I'm a large man, I would be happy with a pull up but goals are meant to be tough otherwise you won't push yourself.

Anything you really love about us? We aren’t above fishing for a compliment 
What makes this Box unique at least in my eyes is that there isn't a lot of ego.  It seems like a group of people that want to make other members better and stronger.  Makes it easier to come and work out when there isn't pressure on how you look during a workout.

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