

22.2 CrossFit Open Workout:

1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps for time of:

Bar-facing burpees

♀ 155 lb ♂ 225 lb

Time cap: 10 minutes

CLICK HERE for the workout, scorecard and standards

Your ability to set goals and to make plans for their accomplishment is the master skill of success. 
- Brian Tracy


  1. 6am
    Mak 139 Sc
    Subhan 119 rx
    Kristi B 143 sc
    Mike S 76 Masters Rx
    Brian S 137 rx

  2. 9:30
    Colette 142 rx
    Jackie 108 rx
    Em G 84 rx
    Erini 115 rx
    Jerry 115 rx
    Leah 125sc
    Donna G 100 rx
    Natalie Dentist 61 rx
    Jill H 94 rx
    Taylor 121 rx
    Aimee 169 rx
    Dana H 132 rx
    Gordy 136 rx
    Panos 126 rx
    Cate K 127 rx
    Kyle 144 rx
    Lenny 128 rx

  3. nooner
    Kevin H 128 rx
    Pete D 123 rx
    Dave H 143 rx
    Dana D 131 rx
    Meredith H 95 rx
    Meg D 103 rx
    The Natalie 120 rx
    Pam G 169 rx
    Geoff 102 rx
    Jess A 29 rx

  4. emma e 119 rx
    Jamie 161 rx
    Mark s 107 rx
    yes 116 rx
    Ben B 90rx
    ABO 103 rx

  5. 4:45
    Erin M 164 rx
    Edwin 124 sc
    Joe S 117 rx
    Mike Mit 110 rx
    Jill M 146 rx
    John Mc 80 rx
    Meg o 148 rx
    Jeff P 141 rx
    Freaky G 131 rx
    Karen Mas 110 rx
    Laura 84 rx
    Danielle 139 rx
    Keith 117 rx
    Ildi 97 rx
    Kristen N 116 rx
    Jason 104 rx
    Olan 120 rx
    Sean 179 rx
    Hannah 189 rx
    Elizabeth 177 rx
    Greg 110 rx
    Emma N 100 sc
    Alex Brat 134 sc
    Seth 84 rx
    Danielle 146 sc
    Jonathan 134 rx

  6. Ina 79 rx
    Kathy 61 rx
    Terry 99 rx
    Lee 102 sc
    Steve 70 sc

  7. remer 151 rx
    Samson 120 rx
    Jeff 148 rx
