

For time: 
50 wall-ball shots 
50 pull-ups 
35 wall-ball shots 
35 chest to bar pull-ups
20 wall-ball shots 
20 strict pull-ups

 Men: 20-lb. ball to 10 ft. 
Women: 14-lb. ball to 9 ft.

Community Notes:
We are hosting the 'Supertotal' at the gym on 
April 2nd/3rd, therefore weekend classes will be at the Lyons Den, 555 w. Beidler Rd, King of Prussia. (9 AM Saturday/ 9 AM Sunday) - No Comp Class, No Kids Class. 

Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage. If you want to conquer fear, do not sit home and think about it. Go out and get busy. 
~ Dale Carnegie, American business icon


  1. 6am
    Julia 24:30 25 pu/25 rr, 15 c2b/20rr, skinny red band strict pull ups
    Kate C 19:35 goblet squat bike cals
    King 17:34 rr/c2b, banded strict
    Danielle G 18:27 rr/c2b, banded strict
    Brian 16:38 rx

  2. 9:30
    Erini 15:57 35-20-10
    Jackie 17:21 35-20c2b attempt- 10 banded
    Dana 21:20 rr-feet elevated-15 strict
    Pam 18:09 rr- feet elevated-strict
    Liz 16:56 RR/ banded pullups
    Mary 17:37 RR-banded strict 6#

    Rich a 10:54 rx
    Carl 14:42 rx
    Em g 13:30 30-20-10 banded strict
    keith 16:40 30-25-20 Pu Pu strict
    Alicia 16:27 RR , PU 50-50-50

  3. masters
    for time:
    35 wallballs
    35 jumping pullups
    25 wallballs
    25 pullups
    20 wallballs
    20 ring rows

    Mom 10:46 band
    Terry 10:47 rx
    Lisa 11:55 box
    Lee 12:07 band
    Ina 11:38 band
    Kathy 11;40 box

  4. 4:30
    Gianna 14:00 rr
    Natalie Dra 17:00 bspu
    John Mc 20:05 rr, bspu
    Laura S 19:47 12# 25 bpu/25rr, 20bpu/15rr, 10/10
    ALex tu 21:36 rom c2b, 10 spu
    Edwin 14:35 14# rr
    Erin M 15:21 rx+ 10ft
    Erika 18:36 10# rr bpu
    Alex Th 16:00 bspu
    Remer 13:54 rx
    Meg O 19:something rx+ 10ft

  5. 5:30
    Mak 16:58 rom c2b
    Leo 17:05 rr kip swing practice
    Sean 12:05 rx+ 20# weighted vest
    Danielle C 19:47 rom c2b, bspu
    Baez 19:59rx
    Randy 20:11rx
    Gia 16:47 rom, bspu
    Seth 14:57 rr 14#

  6. Greg 16:53 RX
    Steph C 15:39 10#, RR, ROM C2B/PU, BSPU
