

For time: 
21 pull-ups 
42 double-unders 
21 thrusters (weight 1) 
18 chest-to-bar pull-ups 
36 double-unders 
18 thrusters (weight 2) 
15 bar muscle-ups 
30 double-unders 
15 thrusters (weight 3) 
♀ 65 lb, then 75 lb, then 85 lb 
♂ 95 lb, then 115 lb, then 135 lb 

Time cap: 12 minutes

Click here for the score card and standards.

Never stop doing great just because someone doesn’t give you credit.


  1. 6am
    Brian S 164 rx
    Mak 156 rx
    Mark S 145 rx
    Julia 158 rx
    Subhan 165 rx
    Mike S 148 masters rx
    Kate C 138 rx
    Kristi B 156 sc

  2. Colette 156 7:01 rx
    Natalie Dentist 84 5:02 sc
    Missy 95 (scaled) (not in open)
    Jess A 84 4:53 (sc)
    Em G 84 4:22 rx
    Erini 89 9:45 rx

  3. meredith 43 rx
    Mary h 102 6:49 scaled
    Jill 88 10:58 rx
    Jackie 146 3:54 rx
    aimee 10:40 rx
    Dana 165 9:24 rx
    Cate 170 7:38 rx
    Karen 122 7:55 rx
    Gordy 189 7:45 rx
    Panus 156 8:40 rx
    Lenny 130 6:33 rx
    Taylor 156 9:20 rx
    Kevin 204 7:12 rx
    The Nat 156 8:13 rx
    Pete D. 157 10:02 rx
    Pam 167 7:04 rx
    Meg D. 156 9:47 rx
    Dave H 158 8:50 rx
    Geoff 97 8:30 rx
    Carl B 206 5:37 rx
    Rich A. 10:38 rx

    Olan 143 3:50 rx
    Pablo 11:10 Sc
    ABO 90 6:29 rx
    King 153 4:08 rx
    John Mc 84 11:40 rx

    Hannah 156 5:49 rx
    Erin 10:48 rx
    Will M 63 Rx
    Edwin M.84 3:30 sc
    Yes 156 10:40 rx
    Joe S. 165 6:58 rx

    Jeff P. 10:48 rx
    Greg A. 164 10:33 rx
    Laura S. 84 11:04 rx
    Donna G. 86 3:57 rx

  4. Sean F 6:07 rx
    Keith 162 10:30 rx
    Danielle 156 8:29 rx
    Elizabeth G 11:38 rx
    Emma N 84 sc
    Remer 10:59 rx

  5. Emma Girl 151 6:06 rx
    Kristen N 84 2:41 sc
    Ryan P 155 10:43 rx

  6. Alan 11:46 (foundations)
    Jerry 166 rx
    Freaky G 162 7:25 rx
    Gianna 216 sc 10:23

  7. Jessie S :)
    Ben 138 rx 5:08
    Max 163 sc 8:57
    Seth 255 8:46 sc
    Mitch 163 9:12 rx

  8. Kathy 84 3:18 sc
    Ina 84 4:59 rx
    Lee 84 2:29 sc
    Terry 140 5:34 rx
