

 Push Press + Push Jerk + Split Jerk

7 HEAVY sets for MAX load

Cash out:
AMRAP in 8 Minutes:
8 Shoulder to Overhead (60% of above complex)
16 Alternating Pistols

“Failure should be our teacher, not our undertaker. Failure is delay, not defeat. It is a temporary detour, not a dead end. Failure is something we can avoid only by saying nothing, doing nothing, and being nothing.” - Denis Waitley


  1. 6 am
    Jamie 125 6+2 rx
    mark DB fun 5+8 Db box pistol
    Kate 135#

    Aimee 120 Amrap in 5 5 CTB+ 5STO 8+1
    Cate 137 Amrap in 5 5 CTB+ 5STO 6+2
    Erini 55 6 ROM Pistols
    ABO 115 6 Behind the foot
    Em G 105 6+11 17"
    Jackie 140 4+19 rx
    Ina 60 4 behind the foot

  2. noon
    Dana H 150 7+4 PR PUSH PRess
    Pam 140 5+19 RX
    Rich a 235 6 8TTB
    Taylor 214 4+17 17" box
    Meredith 125 6+ 1 12"
    Geoff 175 DL+HP CLean+ FS 4+8

    Lee 65 5 5STO % PU
    Terry 70 4 5STO 5 PP 6 pistol
    Evan 145 4 5sto/5pp/6 pistol
    Lisa 30 4 5RR 5 STO
    Kathy 35 4+5 5RR 5STO

  3. 4:30
    Ben 195 4rnds 10 cal ski
    Donna 120 5+2 17 in box
    Jeff 270 5rx
    Erin M 130 6+8rx
    Kristin 105 6rnds 17 in box
    Alex T 145 4+8 1 in plate
    Meg O 135 8rx
    Dana D 115 4+10 rx
    Kyle 185 7 rounds tuck pistol
    Emma N 65 4+22 55# wrap pistol
    Yex 115 6+8 13 in box
    Natalie Dra 135 4+9. rx

  4. 5:30
    Mak 105 5+8rx
    Danielle C 85 5+10 wrap pistol
    Freaky G 120 5rx
    Gia 90 5+17 tucked foot pistol
    Seth 145 4+20 tucked foot pistol
    Greg 195 5+6 rx

  5. 6:30
    Emma E 110 6 13 in box wrapped foot pistol
    Steph C 95 6+7 55# 17 in box pistol
    Surya 75 40# tucked foot pistol
