

5 x 2:00 rounds: 
20 DB Box Step-ups (35/50 lb) (20/24 in) 
Max reps of DB push presses
Rest 2:00 between rounds

Community Notes:
Don't forget to sign up for the OPEN at ...games.crossfit.com

Join Aimee and Colette TONIGHT  2/10 for the Bar Muscle Up Clinic -- $25. 

Classes this weekend 2/12 and 2/13 at the Lyons Den, 555 w Beidler Rd KoP.

"If we don’t change, we don’t grow. If we don’t grow, we aren’t really living." 
- Gail Sheehy


  1. 6 am
    Colette 37 calories 17" 30#
    Mike S 56 20" 25#
    Mike C 138 20" 20#
    Mark 118 30#
    Jamie 100 30#
    Sean 116 rx

  2. 9:30 AM
    Erini 106 25#
    Jackie 107 13" 30#
    Jill 114 17" 20"

    Aimee 63 17" (1 rd/ 35#, 4 rd/ 30#)
    Dana 80 rx

    Jerry 103 17"/35#
    Rich A 95 Rx
    Pam G 91 (SA DB PP 35#)
    Meredith 86 25# ( 2 rds 20"/3 rds 17")
    Alex Brom 109 17"/ 25#
    Em G 25#/ 20"
    Geoff 121 25#/20"

  3. Masters
    Lee 96 12# / 17"
    Lisa 103 13" 8#
    Ina 94 17" 15#
    Kathy 99 12#/ 13"
    Regina 103 12# SA DB Press 17"
    Terry 114 13"/ 15 4 rds / 20# one rd

  4. 5:30
    Seth 98 20” 35#
    Johnathan 75 35#
    Danielle 91 17” 20#
