
W.O.D. 1.24.22

AMRAP in 18 Minutes:
50 Alternating Dumbbell Snatch (35/50#)
40 Single Arm Dumbbell Clean and Jerks (35/50#)
(alternate every 5)
30 Dumbbell Thrusters (35/50#)
20 Single Arm Dumbbell OHS (35/50#)
10 Devils Press (35/50#)
Winners embrace hard work. They love the discipline of it, the trade-off they’re making to win. Losers, on the other hand, see it as punishment. And that’s the difference. 
- Lou Holtz


  1. 6 am
    Liz 1+100 Rx
    Collette 1+90 goblet squat 4OHS
    Kate C 145 rx
    Subhan 1+25 35# thruster + 25# OHS
    Julia 1+6 25#OHS/DP
    Mike S 1+19 25# , OHS 2kg
    Kristi 1+27 15# 2LB OHS

  2. Jackie 1+57 25# 15# for squats
    Erini 2+8 15# PVC OHS
    Em G 1 RX
    Jill 1+41 25# 33 barbell OHS

    jessie S 1+ 76 20# 15#
    Carl B 1+97 rx
    Dana 1+35 rx
    Meredith 1+62 (25#/15# OHS)
    Remer 1+22 rx
    Pete 143 rx
    Rich a1+52 RX
    Mak 1+145 12#/20#/5#
    Pam 1+63 35#/25# (SADB thruster)
    Will 1+50 35/25#
    Dave H 1+1 rx

    Geoff 1+57 (25#) burpees
    Ina 1+54 (15#) OHS BW

    aimee 1+77 RX
    Cate 1+26 25# OHS
    Sean 1+130 RX

  3. 4:30
    Marissa 1 + 53 rx
    Karen M 1 + 101 25#
    Alex Tu 1 + 5 20#
    Freaky G 1 + 19 rx
    Matty bo 1 + 30 40#/ 20 OHS
    Ryan S 1 + 21 40#
    Mike Mit 1 + 45 30# - fs
    Jeff P 1 + 85 rx
    Erin 1 + 88 rx
    Kyle J 1 + 90 35#fs/50# rd 2
    Ben B 1 + 11 35#
    Hannah 1 + 121 rx
    Meg D 1 + 57 25#
    Dana D 1 + 77 30# fs
    Joe S 1 + 55 40#
    The Natalie 2 + 10 (sc)

  4. 5:30
    Mark 1+168 30#
    Baez 1+4 rx
    Danielle c 1+56 20#
    Greg 1 rx
    Matt t 1+41 20#
    Alex branch 1+41 15#
    John c 1+96 30#

  5. 6:30
    Jess a 1+14 (20,15#)
    Steph 1+77(25,12#ohs)
    Missy 1+55(20,12ohs)
    Max 1+22(33,30)
    Evan 1+29(25,15#)
    Grace 1+80(20#)
