
W.O.D. 12.28.21


1 RM Snatch + OHS

  CLICK HERE to compare to 3.5.21
  CLICK HERE to compare to 6.16.21 
CLICK HERE to compare to 9.10.21

 Cash out:
4 Rounds for time of:
10 OHS (use 60% of your 1 RM Snatch + OHS)
10 Bar facing Burpees over the Bar

Community Notes:
Friday 12/31 Rolling Heats 8-11 AM "LINDA" workout + goal setting + record breaking day!
Saturday 1/1 and Sunday 1/2 - CrossFit King of Prussia is CLOSED
We will resume our normal schedule on Monday 1/3!

"If a man has done his best, what else is there?
-General George S. Patton


  1. nooner
    Keith 225 7:37 rx
    Jessie 75 6:06
    Sean F 260 PR! 4:28 rx
    Sam Bo 185 4:03 rx

  2. 9:30
    Aimee 119 5:05 Rx 73#
    Cate 110 6:38 rx
    Erini 35# 5:23 35#
    Matty Bo 155# 7:43 rx
    Kamilah 95# 7:42 55#
    Sandeep 55# 6:02 FS
    Jamie 115 5:25 rx

  3. Masters
    AMRAP in 18
    Row 250 M
    15 Situps
    15 Front Squats
    Row 250 M
    15 Situps
    15 Hang Power Clean and Jerk
    Row 250 M
    15 Situps
    15 Thrusters

    Terry 1 + 62 183 M 15#
    Ina 1 + 62 + 165 M 15#
    Kathy 1 + 62 15#
    Barb C 1 + 30 10#
    Alan K 1 + 32 12#

  4. 6:00

    Julia 115 7?12 Rx
    Subhan 135 6:00 95
    Hannah 115 4:32 Rx
    Elizabeth 4:54 Rx
    Greg 155 5:31 Rx
    Laura 70 8:15 Rx
    Colette :)
    Kristi :)
    Kate C 105 6:58 reg burpees
    Makr 198 Clean+FS 6:09(FS/dubs)
    Mike S 85 9:01 Rx

  5. 4:30
    Ben B 145 7:06 sc
    Ryan S 155 4:59 Rx
    Lenny 117 6:02 rx
    Alex Tu 65 6:45 45#
    Meg O 125 5:56 rx
    Remer 115 5:18 115#
    Jeff P 215 5:47 rx
    Marissa 140 PR! 6:58 rx
    The Natalie 105 5:35 RX PR!!!

  6. 5:30
    Danielle G. 110# 5:58RX
    Danielle C. 70# 7:31RX
    Baez 185# 8:50RX
    Bella 95# 6:46sc

    Nick 125# 8:37sc
    Max 125# 7:17RX
