
The Ladies Lions Lifting Club

Introducing 'The Ladies Lions Lifting Club', a four week strength program for women ages 18 and up.

This program will provide the opportunity for female athletes to focus on improving movement patterns and building overall strength in the power lifts (back squat, push press and deadlift). 

All eight sessions will be led by coach Taylor Williams a USA weightlifting level 2, CrossFit level 2 and NASM certified trainer specializing in strength training. The program will run for four weeks meeting on Tuesday/Thursday, each session will be 90 minutes in length. Sessions will include a coach led group warmup/ mobility work, followed by the lift of the day and finishing with daily accessory workout to aid the three main lifts. The program will start Tuesday January18th at 6 pm! Athletes are highly encouraged to sign up for the entirety of the program there for maximizing the gains! Drop in are welcome. 

Classes begin 1/18, Tuesday/Thursday 6:00 PM, 4 weeks is $160 or $30 drop in. 
Spaces are limited to 12 athletes, sign up today! 
ALL levels and experience are welcome; beginner, intermediate and advanced will all reap the benefits of this program. 

CLICK HERE to sign up today!

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