Partner WOD
"You go I go style...synchro is completed together"
For time:
100 Synchro Ab-Mat Sit-ups
60 Dumbbell Front Squats (35/50#)
10 Rope Climbs (15ft)
60 Dumbbell Hang Clean and Jerks (35/50#)
10 Rope Climbs (15ft)
60 Dumbbell Thrusters (35/50#)
100 Synchro Ab-Mat Sit-ups
Community Notes:
Friday 12/31 Rolling Heats 8-11 AM "LINDA" workout + goal setting + record breaking day!
Saturday 1/1 and Sunday 1/2 - CrossFit King of Prussia is CLOSED
We will resume our normal schedule on Monday 1/3!
Truth is like heat or light, it's vibrations are endless, and are endlessly felt.
-Margaret Deland
Liz & Suban: 16:23 (Subhan 35#, Liz RX)
ReplyDeleteJulia and Kate C: 21:09 (2 pullls, 30#)
Edwin and Mike S: 26:00 (Edwin 20#, rope wrap) (Mike S 25#)
Aimee/Cate + Taylor 27:46 RX
Dave / Carl 29:31 Rx
Jamie / Mark 22:30 rx / 45# Single Arm
Meg/Jill + Gordy 25:01 sc
Pam G/ Alex Th 27:24 Single Arm / RX
Pete D / Matt Bo 29:45 Rx/ 35#
Randy/Jackie/ Em 30:00 35#/20# ROM/ 25#
Erini/ Shannon 26:29 12" rope 26:29
Jess K/ Kristi 25:17 25#/15#
ReplyDeleteBen / Sam 24:44 35/50# 2 pulls
Karen M/ Greg A 27:40 25/ rx
Danielle/ Alex Tu/ Jeff P 23:28 Rx/25/Rx
Marissa/ Ryan S 27:33 rx/ 45#
John Mc/ Mike Mit 23:30 30#
Joe S / Remer 26:04 rx
danielle 31:50 (scaled)
ABO (25#)
Missy 27:32 (20#) (6 RC ten foot rope climbs)
ReplyDeleteAimee 119# 5:05 75#
Cate 110# 6:38
Erini 35# 5:23 35#
Matty bo 155 7:43 rx
Kamilah 95# 7:42 55#
Sandeep 55# 6:02 FS
J Spak 115# 5:26 rx