
W.O.D. 12.21.21

All for time:
3 Rounds of:
500 Meter Row
50 ft Handstand Walk

Rest 5:00

3 Rounds of:
20 GHD Sit-ups
10 Box Jumps (24/30")
5 Ring Muscle Ups

Advent day 21:
Max Ring or Bar Muscle Ups

Holiday Schedule:
Friday 12/24 - 8-11 AM (rolling heats) 12 Days of Christmas Workout.
Saturday 12/25 and Sunday 12/26 - CLOSED.
Friday 1/31 - 8-11 AM (rolling heats) LINDA Workout, record breaking/goal setting.
Saturday 1/1 and Sunday 1/2 - CLOSED.

There is always room at the top. 
-Daniel Webster


  1. 6 am
    Megs 25:34 (LOS)
    Subhan 27:50 (shifts x40, 2mn)
    Hannah 27:00 ( 30 ft, 1 mu+ 1 Attempt)
    Kate c 24:12 (13" shifts, transition)
    Erika 26:12 ( stinkbug x 7, 13" transition)
    Mike s 27:04 ( 3 ww, 1/2 god, 1/2 ab, 24", transition)
    Julia 26:11 ( 20", transition)

    Dana h 35:04 rx
    Kamilah 26:40 pickup s, ab mat, 20"
    Jamie 24:09 5 ww, 5 JRMU
    Mark :)
    Andrew 24:00 % kcikup, 5 transition
    Erin - first RMU, :)
    Em G 23:18 5 WW/ transition

    Aimee 28:21 rx
    Randy 26:31 25' walk
    Evan :)
    Jeff 21:35 rx
    Jackie 25:40 5WWI/ 20 step/ JMU
    Jill 23:54 transition/ 5 wall walk

  2. noon
    Carl b 23:10 RX
    Sam b 20:28 (sc)
    Pam G 21:44 ( 5WWIN JMU)
    Jill M 29:08 RX

    Marissa 28:58 ( 1 MU/ 3RMU attempts)
    Pete D 23:23 (5WWIN)
    RICH 24:28 RX
    Meredith 23:45 WWIN transition steups

    Steve z 28:53 (bear crawl RR 12" stepup
    Kit z 42:25 (3RMU)

  3. Masters
    Ina 24:40 (sc)
    Gordy 22:07 (sc)
    Terry 23:28 (sc)
    Lee 23:26 (sc)
    Kathy 21:58 (sc)
    Regina :)
    Alan 18:18 3 rounds 250 row 15 stepup 10 bj 10 RR

  4. 4:30
    Kristen 22:55 (sc)
    Ben b 22:49 (sc)
    Olan 27:49 (sc)
    Joe s 25:43 (1/2 HS WALK)
    Shannon 27:20 (sc)
    John Mc 27:50 (sc)
    Freaky G 22:00 JBMU WWIN
    Lenny 23:16 ( wwin transition)
    Matty Bo 23:54 (hips to rings WWIN)
    Donna 22:08 box walks 20 in , transtions
    Edwin 25:49 (sc)
    Alex TU 27:17 5WWIn
    Remer 23:27 RX
    Mit 27:27 (sc)
    Karen 23:57 (sc)
    Meg o 24:41 (2 RM)
    Dana d 24:48 (sc)

  5. 5:30
    Emma 25:05 25ft, 10 SL DL
    Gia 22:37 25ft, ab mat, transitions
    Leah 😊
    Baez 28:26 RX
    Danielle C. 25:20 17”, WWI, trans

    Missy 24:00 sc
    Sean 24:34 RX+ 100ft
    Steph C 21:06 sc
    Seth 24:03 sc
