
W.O.D. 12.22.21

All for time:
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps of:
Strict Handstand Push-up
Air Bike Calories

Rest 3:00

10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps of:
Thrusters (65/95#)
Ski Calories

Advent Day 22:
Max Pistols in 2 Minutes

Holiday Schedule:
Friday 12/24 - 8-11 AM (rolling heats) 12 Days of Christmas Workout.
Saturday 12/25 and Sunday 12/26 - CLOSED.
Friday 1/31 - 8-11 AM (rolling heats) LINDA Workout, record breaking/goal setting.
Saturday 1/1 and Sunday 1/2 - CLOSED.

Ambition is destruction, only competence matters. 
-Jill Robinson


  1. 6 AM
    Sam B 20:06 SDP/ Rx
    Subhan 24:09 2 AB/RX
    Kate C 25:44 2AB/RX

    Aimee 23:39 Rx
    Cate 25:05 Rx

    9:30 AM
    Jackie 26:48 (3 AB/ 1/2 box, 1/2 PP)
    Colette 23:35 Pushups
    Randy 27:35 75/3 AB
    Evan 31:42 2/3 AB/ 65
    Dana H 29:51 rx
    Em G 24:10 (3 ABmat)
    Andrew T 26:07 65/3 ABmat)

  2. Nooner
    Dana D 26:43 (2 AB)
    Meg D 27:51 ( 1 AB + plate)
    Jill M 25:57 1 AB
    Pam G 28:09 1 AB
    Taylor 24:27 (2 AB+ plate)
    Freaky G 24:45 2 AB +plate
    Rich A 20:35 rx

  3. 4:30
    Emma 22:05 (2ab + 35#)
    Edwin 24:22 (seated press/ 35#)
    Jeff 19:14 rx
    Remer 18:37 rx
    Randy 2 23:10 (sc)
    Elizabeth 21:16 (2ab)

    reverse order
    The natalie 23:30 (ab mat+25#plate)
    Meg o 21:56 rx
    Donna 24:08 (seated press)
    Erin 24:10 rounds 10/9 (1ab) rounds 8-1 (1 ab + 1 plate)

  4. 5:30
    Gia 26:37 92 ab, 35#)
    Samson 23:46 ( 2ab, 75#)
    Gambone 23:53 (PU)
    Danielle c 28:23 (sb/ 55#)
    Max 27:25 (75#)
    Baez 24:00 rx
