
W.O.D. 10.4.21

 4 Rounds for time of:
24 Burpees
21 Wallballs (14/20# to 9/10 ft)
18 Alternating Dumbbell Snatch (35/50#)
15 Calories - Ski Erg
12 Handstand Push-ups

“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” —Lao Tzu


  1. 9:30
    Mary 25:32 3rds 20# DB 15 burpees 10# ball 9 HSPU 2 ab

  2. 9:30
    Jackie H 260:00 3 rounds 12# ball 3 ab 7 hspu 25# dB
    Jill 30:25 3 rds 30# dB 2 ab
    Em g 33:34 3 ab
    Cate k 36:28 Rx

  3. nooner
    Keith 27:58 3 rds
    Alicia 24:42 3 rds 10# 2 Ammat
    Carl B 23:56 rx
    Pete D 31:17 rx
    Meredith 34:35 2 AB mat
    Shannon 29:44 10#/ box 17" hspu 25# 2 AB
    Alex Brom 36:05 2 AB
    Gordy 17:02 35#/2 AB/ 14# 2 rd
    Taylor 24:06 3 Rds/ 6 hspu
    Aimee 25:30 rx

  4. 6 AM
    Mak 32:30 1 AB
    Julia 28:46 25 cal, c2b, 10# SB, 25# Hang snatch
    Briana 36:09 25# DB, 2 AB, 6 hspu
    Danielle 32:29 Seated DB Press 20#
    Elizabeth 22:30 rx
    King 26:30 3 rds 35# 2 ab
    Hannah24:24 rx
    Brian S 27:43 rx
    Greg 29:45 rx
    Subhan 25:55 rx
    Ben 28:18 2 AB / 40# 3 rounds, 10 strict hspu

  5. 4:30 PM
    Alex Tu 21:40 2 rds sc
    Meg D 28:14 10#/25#
    Kyle 19:13 3 rds 45# pushups
    Kristen N 27:00 30# 17" box AbMat hspu
    Olan 29;45 3 RDS :30 SEC HOLD
    Mike Mit 37:37 3 AB/ 16# to 9ft/ 40 # DB
    Jeff P 25:12 rx
    Erin M 28:34 rx
    Mae 26:00 3 rds sc
    Karen M 26:00 :) sc 3rds
    John Mc 20:22 2 rds sc
    Yes ouchie :)
    Donna G 26:36 30# 6 2 AB HSPU 3 rds
    Marissa 30:26 rx
    Ryan S 26:16 3rds

  6. 5:30
    Seth 29:17 3 rounds scaled
    Tommy 27:48 3 rounds 6 hspu
    Alex b 28:00 3 rounds 20# dB 6 kick ups 14# to 8’
    Jonathan 31:28 Rx
    Freaky Greek 32:35 1 1/2 abmat
    Joe s 25:10 3 rounds

    Ben 19:04 2 rounds push-ups
    Missy 20:00 4 1/2 rounds 25# dB 3 ab
    Max 25:04 40# 10 hspu
    Gowtham :)
