
W.O.D. 10.18.21

For Time: 
20 Pulls on the Rower 
15 Wall Balls (14/20# to 9/10 ft) 

**Row until you accumulate 2000/1600m**

 It is not the strongest or the most intelligent who will survive but those who can best manage change. 
- Leon C. Megginson


  1. 6:00 am
    Ben m 18, 7 RX
    Hannah 11:32 6+6 RX
    Elizabeth 13:06 6+10 RX
    Shannon 13:20 , 6 10#
    Subhan 15:30, 3+12 RX
    John k 14:18 4+12 RX
    Briana 13:03 , 4+7 RX
    Kate c 11:06 4+15 RX
    Brian 11:53 4+8 RX
    Mark 14:03 5+18 RX
    Julia 12:05 , 5+3 RX
    Jamie 12:18 , 7+7 RX
    Sean F 12, 5+18 30#
    Makayla 13:08 , 6+10 RX

  2. 9:30
    Mary 12:39 10#, 10 WB
    Cate 13:45 RX
    Jill 14:12 RX
    Em 14:41 RX
    Jackie 12:26 12#

  3. nooner
    Dana H 11:44 rx
    Gordy 10:12 1600 M 14#WB
    Sam Bo 12:17 rx
    Dave H 15:20 20 wb per round rx +
    Rich A 12:00 rx
    Pete D 13:11 rx
    Denise C 13:20 rx
    Jess D 15:06 rx
    Matt Tax 13:08 rx

  4. 4:30
    Ben 15:25 Rx
    Will 20:06
    Samson 16:38 Rx
    John 16:55 Rx
    Jeff 11:14 Rx
    Erin 11:30
    Kyle :)
    Joe s 12:01 Rx
    Freaky g 12:00 Rx
    Karen 13:03 Rx
    May 12:55
    Mike m 13:45 16#
    Renee 13:09 12#
    Remer 14:56 30# ball squats
    Yex 12:41 Rx
    Alex 14:38 Rx
    Olan 15:11 rx
