
W.O.D. 10.12.21

5 Rounds for time of:
15 Calories Ski Erg
500 Meter Row
Every 3 Minutes complete 50 Double Unders.
Time Cap 20:00

Cash out:
For time or skill:
50 GHD Sit-ups
50 Ft. Handstand Walk
35 GHD Sit-ups
35 Ft. Handstand Walk
25 GHD Sit-ups
25 Ft. Handstand Walk

"Remember no matter how fast you run, you can't be the winner if you don't finish." 
- Israelmore Ayivor


  1. 9:30
    Danielle C 4+3 1:00 dub practice
    Jill H 3+15 1:00 dubs and singles
    Alex Brom 3+15 1:00 dubs and singles
    Em Gallo 3+14 rx

  2. nooner
    Carl B 19:44 rx cash out ->8:38 rx
    Jess A 4+12 800M bike 50 SU --> :)
    Denise C 3+46 rx --> 8:51 rx
    Matty bo 3+14 rx --> 10:23 1/2 GHD 5/3/2 wall walk in
    Will M 2+15 50 SU --> 12:10 bear crawl, GHD/AB MAT
    Pam G 3+ 14 rx -->9:13 5/3/2 wall walk in

  3. Jerry 3 + 127 M 15 DU/10 SU

    masters ladies scale
    10 cal ski/400 m row

    Terry 3 _ 100 M 20 DU
    Mom 3 + 10 50 SU 7 cal ski
    Ina 3 + 178 m 20 du
    Anne 3 + 100 M 20 du
    Kathy 3 + 10 50 su
    Regina 3 + 344 m 50 su

  4. 6:00

    Sam 5+50m Rx inverse
    Sean 17:35 Rx
    Mak 3+250M
    Danielle 3+5 sc
    Elizabeth 4+400m Rx inverse
    Hannah 4+197 Rx
    Subhan 4+1 Rx
    Megs 3+5 sc
    Julia 3+358m c2b
    Mark 4 Rx
    Kate C 4 (25dubs)
    Make S 2+50(20dubs)

  5. Jamie 4+197 Rx
    Jonathan 3+1 Rx
    Meg I 3+ 965 C2 bike 20 wb squats
    Seth 4+193 singles
    Chris 3+ 15 cals rx
    Jess 2+ 180 20 double unders

  6. 4:30
    Remer 3 + 371 rx 6:12 ab mat
    Kristen N 4+8 su :)
    Olan 3 +15 (30 du) 10:21 WWIN 5/3/2
    Mike Mit 3+2 Su 12:15 WWIN 5/3/2
    Ryan S 3 + 393 rx 7:53 WWIN 5/3/2
    Dana D 3 + 379 rx :) 20 mins and some talking and socializing
    Erin M 3 + 172 rx :)
    Jeff P 18:38 Rx :)
    Renee 3 + 100m Rx :)
    Marissa 3 + 101 rx 10:04 rx
    Laura Smith 2 + 340 (dua 1:00) 9:23 ab mat WWIN 5/3/2
    Alex Th 3 + 200 M rx :)
    Joe S 3 + 242 rx 11:00 rx
    Mae 3 + 5 SU 9:29 AB Mat WWIN 5/3/2

  7. Missy 3+1 dub attempts
    Steph 3+5 duh attempts
    Emma 3+11 15 goblet squats

  8. Taylor 3 + 460 m rx
    Aimee 3 + 497 m rx
    Cate 4 + 300 M (10 cal ski, 400 M row, 30 du)
