
W.O.D. 9.24.21


5 Round for time of:
400 Meter Run
30 Box Jumps (20/24")
30 Wallballs (14/20 to 9/10 ft)

CLICK HERE to compare to 3.13.21
CLICK HERE to compare to 6.12.21

Community Notes:
CrossFit Kids Class 10 AM tomorrow, Saturday 9/25!

“Keep on going, and the chances are that you will stumble on something, perhaps when you are least expecting it. I never heard of anyone ever stumbling on something sitting down.” 
– Charles F. Kettering


  1. 6 am
    28:28 c2 Stepups
    Julia 25:24 Stepups air squats/ wb squats
    Mak 24:46 c2 bike Stepups
    Sean f 20:43 Rx
    Hannah 23:32 Rx
    Shannon w 24:23 13” 10#
    Brian 25:36 Rx
    Elizabeth 23:20 Rx
    Mike s 36:02 20 20” box 14#
    Missy 32:26 13 10#

    Pam 24:33 8#
    Jill 20:17 3 rounds
    Em g 35:02 Rx
    Dana h 38:01 500 m row
    Mary 20:31 scaled
    Jess a 30:29 row 10# stepup 17”
    Jackie 5 rounds 1/2 reps 10#

  2. 4:30
    Yex 27:15 4 rnds
    Alex Turner 22:06 3 rnds c2
    Kristen 31:36 rx
    Jeff P 22:19 rx
    Mike M 36:48 18#
    Jess S 29:04 4 rnds 10#
    Chris L 33:09 rx
    Joe S 31:33 rx
    Steph C 22:16 3 rnds

  3. 5:30
    Danielle C 26:34 8ft 4 rnds
    Suzanne 27:03 4 rnds
    Alex Th 28:18 rx
    Marissa 27:29 rx
    Baez 27:29 rx

    Megan O 5 rnds:
    12 x ski erg cals
    20 x med ball cleans 20#
    rest 1 min btwn rnds
    injured foot
