
W.O.D. 9.23.21

For Time: 
100m Run 
100 Lateral Hops Over Barbell 
100m Run 
30 Hang Power Cleans (95/135#) 
100m Run 
3:00 Plank Hold (accumulated)
100m Run 
30 Front Rack Lunges (95/135#) 
100m Run 
100m KB Farmer Carry (53/70#) 
100m Run

Community Notes:
CrossFit Kids Class 10 AM Saturday 9/25!
Ages 6-11 years; $20 drop in!

“Let me tell you the secret that has led to my goal. My strength lies solely in my tenacity.”
 – Louis Pasteur


  1. 6 am
    Subhan 15:01 Rx
    Sam bo 13:40 Rx
    Danielle 14:48 Rx
    Jamie 15:09 Rx
    Elizabeth 13:41 Rx
    Mak 16:05 Rx
    King 15:48 95#
    Mark 15:58 95#
    Aimee 17:31 95/65#
    Cate 20:18 95#/65

    Jackie 18:22 65# lunge 44# carry
    Shannon 14:40 35# 26# carry
    Em g 16:41 65# lunge 35# carry
    Alex bro 21:55 65# lunge 35# KB
    Renee 13:02 75/55 44kb

  2. noon
    Rich A 16:00 RX
    Ana C 16:15 rx
    Pam G 16:49 75/95#
    Dana D 19:39 Rx
    Dana H 19:20 Rx 55 KBS
    Kevin H 17:02 115#
    John mc 22:03 85/65
    Jess D 19:48 55/35 KB
    Geoff 16:54 95/53 SA KB

  3. masters
    Gordy 18:42 95#/53# KB
    Terry 18:46 53#/12# DB lunge 35#kb
    Barb C 21:00 35#/ 35 KB 10 # DB Lunge

  4. 4:30
    Kristen 16:50 75#
    Jeff P 13:27 rx
    Natalie Dra 17:55 rx
    Olan 20:37 rx
    Alex Th 16:49 rx
    Greg 16:40 rx
    Joe S 17:19 rx
    Mike M 20:37 75#

  5. 5:30
    Baez 18:26 rx
    Dnielle C 19:07 55# 35#
    Isaiah 24:30 rx

  6. Missy 23:09 45# 35#
    Seth 22:45 95# 80#
