
W.O.D. 8.4.21


Push Jerk

*Perform 50 double unders and 10 box step- ups (24/20”) after each set of push jerks. 
Rest as needed between sets.

When you find THAT focus on what you are doing – no matter how intense it is – and it feels like it’s all in slow motion.
-Annie Thorisdottir


  1. 6 am
    Mark 175/185/205
    Jamie 125/155/165
    Julia 105/115/105
    Subhan 165/155/175 PR
    Sean 185/205/225
    Hannah 115/135/155
    Megs 100/110/115
    Aimee 125/140/150
    Kate C 125 / 145 pr/145 pr
    Ben M 155/165/175
    MAK 115/135/155

  2. 9:30 am
    Emily G 100/105/105
    Taylor W 205/240/250
    Gordy 132/154/154 50 SU
    Shawn W 135/165/185
    Alex Th 105/120/125
    Jackie H 125/140/140 35 DU
    Dana H 140/155/160
    Jill H 95/105/115 50 SU

  3. noon
    Jess A 85/105/105 (10 DU plus singles)
    Alexis 95/125/115
    Matt Tax 220 / 242/264
    Pete D 165/185/185 1/2 du
    Leah M 70/75/85
    Jill M 145/165/185

  4. 4:30
    Roberto 135/185/175
    Brett 135/165/185
    Olan 165/185/195
    Will 115/115/115
    Jonathan B 195/205/145 push press
    Natalie dentist 50/75/75 (10 dua)
    Matty Bo 185/205/215
    Rich A 205/230/240
    Renee 85/95/100
    Alex Tu 135/145/155

    Mikey 185/225/245
    Joe S 155/185/225
    Randy 145/155/175
    Danielle C 80 PR/85/95 PR!
    Alex Brat 55/70/75 PR!
    Gia AOTM 95/105/110
    Max 135/150/155
    Matt Erb 165/175/195
