
W.O.D. 8.11.21

3 RM Front Squat

Cash out:
AMRAP in 7 Minutes:
10 Front Squats 
10/15 Calories Air Bike

(use 50% of your 3 RM Front Squat for the cash out)

CLICK HERE to compare to 2.5.21
 CLICK HERE to compare to 5.6.21

Community Notes:
Join us THIS SATURDAY 8/14 for the King and Queen of Prussia from 9AM- 3PM to cheer on your friends! There will be NO regular class this Saturday. 

This internal competition is open and available to all members, last minute sign ups are welcome too. 

Trouble, like the hill ahead, straightens out when you advance upon it.
- Marcelene Cox


  1. 6:00am

    Subhan 185(bench) 4+8
    Sean 370 4+7 Rx
    Mark 235 2+4 Rx
    Caleb 175 3+4 Rx
    Hannah 200 4+16 Rx
    Mak 170 3+15 Rx
    Julia did work 4 dbLunge
    Jamie 195 4+3Rx
    Kate 155 4 C2
    Mike S 145 2+13 Rx
    Kevin 225 4 Rx(rack)
    Aashish 235 4+5 ski

  2. Ina 90 3 + 10 rx
    Gordy 175 3 + 11 rx
    Jackie 155 3 + 13 rx
    Jill H 120 3+10

  3. nooner
    Ben 305 safety squat 2+ 10 50# DB
    Meredith 145 3+10 rx
    Alexis 135 3 + 13 rx
    Matt Bo 245 3+4 rx
    Will M 245 safety squat 3 rx
    Jill M 205 4+4 rx

  4. Alex Tu 215 2 + 17 rx
    Alex Th 140 4 + 3 rx
    Jonathan B 225 3 + 12 (95# 5 reps)
    Mae 103 3 rx
    Nat Dentist 95 PR 2 + 4 rx
    Karen M 165 3 + 13 rx
    Denise C 145 3 + 17 rx
    Isaiah 235 2+ 10 rx
    John Mc 190 2 + 10 rx

  5. Gia 120 Rx 3
    Alex bra 100 Rx 2+17
    Danielle c 120 Rx 3+14
    Joe s 265 Rx 3+
    Max 185 Rx 3+10
