
W.O.D. 6.24.21


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Meeting ID:826211138960
     zoom password 321go

    Meeting ID:88548453602
     zoom password 321go

For time:
50 Calorie Row
40 Toes to Bar
30 Wallballs (14/20#)
20 Power Cleans (125/185#)
10 Ring Muscle Ups

"Humility is the surest sign of strength."
-Thomas Merton


  1. 7a
    JP 11:55 Weighted sit ups, 35# DB Devil's Press
    Jaya 11:55 sc
    Theresa 13:41 85# Clean Pulls/20# DB Devil's Press/ Floor TTB
    Cherie 12:15 20#DB Clean/15# Thrusters/15# Devil's Press
    Anna 13:42 70# Power Clean, Single 15# DB thruster, 15# Devil's Press/ Floor TTB

  2. 9:30
    Aimee 15:09 Rx
    Cate :)

    Julia C 13:26 70 cal bike/ 2:00 plank/ 30 KB 26#box squat/20 DB PC
    Jackie 16:02 ttb rom/10!/ 105 trans
    Bruce 17:10 75/20#trans/rom ttb
    Steph C 14:49 rom 75#
    Jill H 14:52 95/rom ttb/trans/jump dip
    Alex Brom 15:36 rom ttb 105# trans
    Renee 15:43 12#trans/90#
    Emily G 14:03 rom ttb/trans 95#
    Dana H 20:00 rx
    Jess A 13:30 toe to pole/113# 8 WB/30DB

  3. Masters (no MU)
    Kathy 12:04 43#/10#/toe to pole
    Gordy 10:09 GHD 75# 14#/10 pullups
    Terry 14:58 5310
    Regina :)
    Suzanne 10:27 candle stick/14#/63#
    Lee 12:26 45#/10# kip swing
    Mom 12:28 6#/35#kip swings
    Barb C 14:01 8#/35

    Geoff 14:09 DB thruster/ 135#
    Dave H 18:43 3MU + attempts
    Colette 10:34 105 # 30 situps 10 strict pullups
    Missy 14:18 KTC/ 10# WB 60#
    Remer 15:10 rx
    Meg D 16:14 95#/12#/jumping MU
    Alex Th 18:00 115# JMU
    Meredith 14:30 85#/rom ttb trans
    Rich A 13:21 rx
    Pam G 14:03 jump MU

  4. 5:30
    Kate A :)
    Emma 17:51 75# trans
    Mark S 17:30 mu attempts
    Johnathan :)
    Alex Brat 15:53 55#rom ttb trans
    Danielle C 17:22 85# rom trans

  5. 4:30
    Alex Turner :)
    Olan 17:36 165#
    Roberto 17:05 165#
    Matty Bo 16:49 rom trans
    Denise 17:15 105# trans
    Megan O 21:00 1 mu then attempts
    Donna 15:23 vup/sit up 110# trans
    Randy 20:00 rx
    Karen Mal :)
    Karen Mas 17:11 rom trans 105#
    Natalie Deb 16:00 8# wb 55# rom trans
    Natalie Draham 16:51 trans
    Favour 18:53 75# rom trans
    Mike M 17:37 135#
    Dana D 21:27 bar muscle ups
    Joe S 18:33rx

  6. 6:30
    Max 19:29 165# 18# wb trans

  7. 6a
    Kevin.B 13:33 135/JRMU
    Michael C 14:55 115/ROM/JRMU
    Brad 13:41 75/14# WB ROM/KR/trans+dips
    Laura 12:15 65/6#/trans+dips
    Subhan 18:16 145
    Mak 14:29 30 TTB/JRMU
    Aashish 12:45 KR/135/JRMU
    Dan L 13:35 125/trans+dips

  8. Danielle 14:53 40 Wallballs, 30 TTB rom, strict pullups banded
    Greg 16:53 5 RMUs 5 att
