
W.O.D. 6.11.21


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6 AM 
Meeting ID: 808492185
zoom password 321go

Meeting ID:88548453602
zoom password 321go

Squat Clean 

Cash out:
9-7-5 reps of:
Squat Clean (@ 60% of 1 RM)
Strict Ring Dips

“Whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.” 
-Martin Luther King


  1. 9:30
    Jackie 155 5:13 20in box/rings
    Jill 115 4:26 13in box/rings
    Tim 165 6:38 box dips
    Mary 115 5:48 snake push ups
    Dana 155 3:50rx

  2. Mak 165 3:46 band
    Sean F 315 3:25 Rx
    Kate C 135 5:28 sc dips
    Rahmon 195 6:06 Rx
    Aashish 185 3:20 sc dips
    Mike S 140 7:25 Sc dips
    Kevin B 205 PR! 4:14 Rx
    Ben M 165 5:07 ROM dips
    Briana 143 6:33 band
    Theresa L 155 back squat 9-7-5-5-5-5 95# back squat, ring rows
    Susan 100#
    Manisha 105#

    Rich A 308 PR! 3:08 Rx
    Ben 235 PR! 7:40 Rx+ @145
    Jess A 115 PR!! 5:20 sc dips
    Sam B 255 2:52 Rx
    Dan 185 3:45 Rx
    Lea W 165 5:04 Rx

  3. 4:30
    Alex B 120 3:54 box dips
    Alex T 165 6:20 13 in box
    Randy 225 5:32rx
    Keith 275 4:34rx
    Natalie Dra. 165 6:17rx
    Karen Mal 150 3:57rx
    Megan O 155 2:47rx
    Joe S 265 3:41rx
    Subhan 185 5:38rx
    Johnathan 255 5:40rx 5:40rx

  4. 5:30
    Alex Bra 75 PR! 6:10 20 in box
    Max 185 6:40rx
    Gia 115 PR! 5:11 13 in box
    Danielle C 100 BIRTHDAY PR! 5:49 20 in box + box dips
